Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Prayer - Patient Discipline

When I read Psalm 6:1 & 2, it reminds me of parents and teachers, and their children and students.  How frustrating our children and students can be!  They can really stir up the anger like an "active volcano" gathering momentum.  Parents' and teachers' wrath can erupt and spew forth verbal "lava".  That's molten audio one does not like to behold or hear!

Then the children and students cringe.  Therefore, like the Psalmist David, they wish to entreat their elders, 

"...do not rebuke me in Your anger or discipline me in Your wrath."

"Have mercy on me,..."

However, many of the younger folks may not dare such pleading.

Notice the words of beseeching.  David did not say, "...do not rebuke me".  NO.  Children and students often need admonishing and they know it themselves.  The plea is to not to do  so "...in anger...".

So often we do.  

Parents and teachers, those of us who are followers of Jesus Christ, let His Holy Spirit govern you.  Walk in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26).  

One of the attributes of the fruit of the Spirit is patience.

The aggravating situations we get entangled with, with our offspring and scholars are "opportunity-gifts" from the Lord to teach us His patience and to increase ours.   No one invites such circumstances but we need to fall down on our knees and cry out in earnest supplication for His help when they threaten to boil over.

David's appeal can inspire us to greater endurance and self-control.

Father, God, like David, perhaps our children and/or students cry out in their hearts to You, desiring that their parents and teachers would not rebuke them in anger.  We do know that Your anger would be righteous and just.  You deal with all Your children thus.  However, we human beings often let our own will and ways to be the governing force and we forget to let Your Holy Spirit to take control, thus a missed moment to become more Christ-centered and show forth Your unfailing, unconditional love to our charges.

Father, we are sorry for the many times we've reacted in unjust anger towards our prodigy and pupils.  We thank-You from the bottom of our hearts for Your ready forgiveness.  Ever teach us Your will and ways and to be merciful to all those You place under our care.

Heal those who have been hurt by our histories and anger.  Teach us Your patience, righteous anger and to be just in our disciplining, as You do.

Grant us a double portion of Your wisdom and grace to lace our emotions and our dealings with, with others; especially the children.

Jesus said, 

"Let the little children come unto Me and forbid them not"  (Mark 10:14).

May our actions, attitudes, emotions and words be seasoned with salt and not elements that would push any single one of them away from Jesus and You, oh Father God!  Save us, turn us, deliver us, all, because of Your unfailing love so we can proclaim Your wonderful Name to one and all with integrity of heart and action.

Thank-You for hearing and accepting our prayers.

This I ask and give thanks, in Jesus Name.


                                                  ~ERC  March 2020~

Prayer based on Psalm 6:1-10

The Fruit of the Spirit: Patience (With Herbert the Snail)


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