Friday, February 28, 2020

Prayer - Turn From Anger

Father, Your Word in Psalm 37 reminds us to refrain from anger and turn from wrath.  I venture to say many people have difficulty restraining themselves from anger and wrath especially in the heat of a moment.  

When these spark, it's more than likely not righteous anger like Yours is Father God.  Not Christ-like at all.  It most often erupts from self-centered motivation.  Help us Father, to have that calmness, that stillness before You, and wait patiently for You so that in our anger we do not sin.

Then we need help learning not to fret or worry because Your word says it only leads to evil.  Our anxieties, over time, can lead to the downfall of our health.  We worry about things that may not ever come to pass. It all can become a vicious cycle.  Break it for us; we are helpless beings.  Thank-You for not seeing us as hopeless beings because we have You to turn too!  Teach us to turn to You in prayer.

Lord, we know we can still come to You and talk to You about it.  We can choose to leave it all with You so we do not fret.  We ascertain that evil men will be cut off, and those who hope in You will inherit the land.

We don't want to be like the children of Israel, a whole generation of them (except for two) that did not get to go into he Promised Land because of disobedience and lack of faith.  They grumbled against You.  However, to the next generation You still kept Your promise that they would enter that Promised Land and they did inherit it.  Alas, they squandered it, not appreciating You or Your gift, in the end.

Lord, I look forward to being in Your heavenly home right along with many others of Your children You adopted through Jesus.  I hope and pray that we all will not take this lightly as we continue to live on Earth, that we will walk worthy of Your calling (Ephesians 4;1).

May we choose to say, "I will walk worthy of Your calling, Lord, so that Your Name does not become a shame. among mankind.  I will choose to give my niggling fears, my anger, my grumbling all to You.  I choose to be Christ-like".

Let not Your reputation be tarnished.  I know You are "big" enough to take it but still I don't like it when people say bad things about You and Your people.  It hurts so it must also grieve You as it did eons ago when You were dealing with the children of Israel.

I look forward to "inheriting" that land up there in "Glory-land" when Jesus comes to take us, His Bride, back Home to be with You forever.  Then we will no longer be burdened by the cares of earthly living.   I give You thanks and praise for this, no doubt joined by myriads of the redeemed, singing and giving glory, in unison and harmony, celebrating for millenniums to come.

                                                 ~ERC   February 2020~

Prayer based on Psalm 37:8-9 (NIV).

What a Friend We Have In Jesus as sung by Michael W. Smith

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