Monday, February 24, 2020

Prayer - Everlasting God

Father God, You are a God who is from everlasting and goes to everlasting.  You are everlasting; the everlasting God; the eternal God.  Always there, the one Who protects, the One Who preserves and blesses our lives. We exalt You and give You praise.

Even when we are upon our sick bed You sustain us.  You sustain us in our hearts and in our souls and mind.  Father, there's an evil one out there, an enemy who is also out to get those of us who belong to You through Jesus Christ and His shed blood.  Your enemy Satan and his minions who do his bidding, do that work of seeking to steal, kill and destroy as much as he can; especially those who are upright in heart,  those who live to please You.  To those who are upright and pure in heart the enemy whispers to them, sometimes very loudly, sometimes softly, sometimes loud and clear enough to scare them, or soft and sweet enough to lure them.

Father there are all these things, that when we realize that in the Name of Jesus and by the power of Jesus blood we can claim that we are Your child (children), a child of God.  Thank-You.  Thank-You that all of us who are followers of Jesus Christ can claim this.  We have that right.  

Satan has no right whatsoever to come and disturb us, to harass us, to mess with us.  Lord may all that evil be like a vile disease being flushed out, cut off and destroyed; like being detoxed out of the system.  Bombard and destroy the evil one and send him and it to wherever Jesus sends it.

Yes, Jesus has conquered the grave and death and hell when He rose again from the dead.  Oh praise be to the Lord!  Thank-You, Father that Jesus has defeated Satan and that You have given us, Your children, Your Holy Spirit to aid and abet us in our earthly struggles and temptations and trials. 

At times we feel like we want to lose hope, faith, and trust in You because sometimes we feel as if You are far away or just not interested or as if You don't care. However, we know Lord, You do.  That is often one of Satan's strategies to lure us away from You with just such thinking.  Strengthen our resolve and faith so that we may never give up.  

Lord, may the words of the evil ones, those who spread false accusations and lies and slander, may their words and actions perish, be cut off and may those who would keep hammering away with ignoble vocable come to know Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior.  Have mercy on their souls, Lord.  Stop their mouths and tongues from wagging and bragging iniquities.  Convert their hearts and words and may they speak, instead, words of peace and blessing and with the love of Jesus.

In Psalm 41, we read that David wanted those enemies who spoke and spread false things about him and who had even betrayed him, switching to the enemy's side, destroyed.  Lord these kinds of people exist even today and still urgently need Jesus Christ in their lives.  Succour Your children to be the ones to forgive.  I know that is a tough assignment  but because we are Your children, WE MUST.

We must submit to Your Holy Spirit's power working within us so we can reach out in love, someway, somehow to genuinely forgive those who have wronged us in such terrible wicked, evil ways.

Let not Your enemy triumph.  Help us, instead, in gaining uprightness and integrity of heart.  Uphold us so that we can indeed see Your face as we know Your presence is with us through Your Holy Spirit.  When we gather together by twos or threes in your Name, Your presence is there, collectively, in strength and power and unity.  

Again, Heavenly Father, we praise You. You are not only the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and of the whole nation of Israel but You are also our God.  The God of the Church where Jesus is the Head,

 "...He is the Head of the body, the Church..." (Colossians 1:18 ESV)

You are our God, our Savior, Lord and You are from everlasting to everlasting and it's in Jesus wonderful Name we praise, worship and give thanks.

Amen and Amen.

                                                      ~ERC   February 2020~

Prayer based on Psalm 41.

Song  Psalm 41 as sung by Jason Silver

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