Thursday, February 6, 2020

Prayer - Facing the Righteous Judge

Heavenly Father, I praise You.  I praise You with all my heart because of Your many wonders.  I'm glad and rejoice over all You do in the world.  I know that one of Your attributes is being a just Judge.  You are the Judge over all the earth who does right.  You  are the righteous judge and king and Your throne endures forever.  You will have Your Son Jesus sitting on the throne for ever and ever too.

Lord, make Your justice known to the wicked so they can turn from their unrighteous ways, turn, and seek the You with all their heart; be transformed by the blood of Jesus Christ and through the help of the Holy Spirit, turn from darkness to Your holy light.  

May they then go forth among the nations; to those nations who often forget about You.  Let the wicked be reminded that You are the Judge they will be facing in the end--they won't be able to escape nor shake their fists at You.  Lord, arise and let not man triumph.  Let the nations be judged in Your presence and sing praise to Your Name with all of their hearts, O Most High.

Leaders of some nations have been/are real tyrants and have been almost since the beginning of time.  Even in our lifetime, and in the previous generation, we know there have been powerful leaders who have been very brutal, cruel, mean, and heartless.  They have culled even their own people; people within their own nations who may be of a different ethnic background than they or have disagreed with them.

Father, judge these leaders, let them know they are going to be standing before You, the Righteous Judge.

We think of those leaders who believe they are very powerful men and indeed, this world lets them be powerful. For instance, in the United Nations Organization (UN), Lord, there are some pretty powerful people there making decisions as if playing chess with peoples' lives.  Help them Lord, to govern the world aright.   Not just self-centered, own interest-based judgments and decisions but for the interest/benefits of the whole world; the global world.  

It has become a global world, Father.  Give the leaders the wisdom to righteously judge and make good and righteous decisions that profit everyone.  Lord, let them know that they are but men.  They are not gods, they are but men; creatures made by You, the true Judge of all judges and Leader of all leaders, who gives them the authority they have in the first place.

I ask this in the Name of Jesus and by the power of Jesus' blood that You work in these peoples' hearts.  


                                                      ~ERC  February 2020~

Prayer based on Psalm 9 (NIV).

Sing Psalm 9 - as sung by Brian Doerksen

Day of Judgement, Day of Wonders by John Newton, as sung by Metropolitan Tabernacle, London

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