Friday, February 21, 2020

Prayer - To Bless A Birthday Person

This prayer, based on Psalm 27 (NIV), was used to bless someone close to me on their birthday.  In some places I inserted the person's name.  I'll leave the name out (insert and underscore your own chosen person's name) of this 'version' so anyone can use this for anyone, as seen fit by whoever wishes to put a prayer of blessing upon loved ones, friends, neighbors, etc.  When it comes to the 'talent' part, you can modify further as your situation would call for.  In addition to that, there is a part about a father and mother never forsaking the son/daughter, if something different is the case, again, this will have to be modified.

Here goes...

Father, the LORD is _________'s light and salvation.  Still any fears he/she may have as he/she need not fear anyone or anything.  He/She need only to have the "fear of the Lord" before his/her, as You are the stronghold of his/her life.

When wicked persons or trials and tribulations of life besiege _________, when battles come into his/her life, let not his/her heart fear but even then, to have confidence in You.

May _________ ask from You, LORD, may he/she only seek to dwell in Your house, all the days of his/her life.  May he/she be able to commune with You in the inner sanctums of his/her home, that special place he's/she's made to "be still" and seek You.  Yet may his/her whole life exemplify his/her dwelling in Your house, seeing Your beauty.

Let this be his/her knowledge and understanding and confidence, even in a small way, because You are so almighty and our human being thoughts could never measure up to Yours, Father God, as he/she hides his/herself in Your shelter, Your "tent," that safe haven for him/her.

As he/she does so, LORD, set him/her up on a high rock, above all his/her enemies, so he/she can shout and sing and make music to You Father.  May new songs of joy and gratitude and thanksgiving usher forth from his/her mouth and down into his/her fingers as he/she touches the piano, strums the guitar; holds and strokes with the paint brush;  or into his/her dancing ballet feet, or any manner of talented exploits or even in the what some may deem, mundane, whipping up of food in the kitchen, scrubbing floors, etc...the list could go on, Father, but in whatever is done, may it be a declaration for his/her love and thanks for you "in song" (literally or figuratively); an offering of praise, that sacrifice from his/her lips.  May _________ declare Your deeds to You and to all, whom he/she knows and/or comes into contact with that they may know he/she has been sheltering in Your presence.  

I believe You will hear his/her voice when he/she calls to You, LORD.  She believes it too.  Hear him/her when he/she calls in the name of Jesus, as he/she belongs to You.  Be merciful to him/her and answer his/her requests and desires of heart.  Your face, oh LORD, he/she seeks.  

He/She is Your child, may he/she look up into Your face, knowing You will already be waiting to meet her gaze, as Jesus did to Peter.  In love and mercy, You did not reject Peter, and I ask You do not reject _________'s requests that are asked according to Your will and in Your Son Jesus' name.

Jesus is his/her Savior as You sent Him to be.  Just like _________'s father and mother never forsook him/her except through their Homegoing, to You, we know and can be assured, that You will never ever leave or forsake him/her.  There are those whose parents do forsake them, but You are the Perfect Father  and in John 10:27-30, especially verses 28 & 29 (ESV),  Jesus pronounces,

"I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of My hand.  My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand.  

_________ is safe and secure in Your hands, Father.  Bring him/her joy and happiness in Jesus because You have received  and accepted him/her.  You have never left nor forsaken him/her.

Teach _________ Your ways, as You have been doing, and as he/she continues to seek Your face in "Your house", lead and guide him/her through Your Holy Spirit in the straight path to You, and to avoid any who would wish to oppress him/her, set up false witnesses against him/her and/or spout malicious accusations against him/her.

May _________ confidently see Your goodness in the land of the living, knowing he/she will one day see Your face in full glory in Your Heavenly home when You call him/her/us all, to be with You in Glory.  What a day that will be!

Father God, _________ will wait for You.  May he/she be strong and take heart and wait for You!

In Jesus Name I pray...

                                                          ~ERC  January 2020~

Psalm 27 in song as presented by Jason Silver

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