Saturday, February 22, 2020

Lord's Day Devotion - Devotional Prayer - He was Patient

Heavenly Father, I delight myself in You.  You give me the desires of my heart when they are the desires of Your heart too.  I will commit my way to You and trust in You that You will do these things as I ask  them in the name of Jesus, Your Son.  As one becomes more like Your Son through the sanctification process, realizing what You want, knowing Your "pulse" more intimately, that these desires will line up, more and more, with Yours.

Father, make Your righteousness shine like the dawn and the justice of Your cause like the noonday sun because You are the Judge of all judges.  you are the righteous Judge, the Judge of all the earth who does right.  May Your justice also shine like the noonday sun; in great brilliance may it shine.

Your sun, at noon, is so, so bright.  It's at its brightest.  We long for, we plead and beg, for Your justice in our lives with similar intensity; for You to rule and reign.  Lord, You also say to  us, 

" still before You and wait patiently for You" (Psalm 37:7 NIV).

Many times we want to see that justice here and NOW!

In our time.

In our day!

You ask us not to fret when men succeed in their ways, ways that are unjust, aimed at carrying out their wicked schemes and more often than not getting away with it.  You ask us to "be still"? and to "wait patiently"?!

Lord, that's a very disagreeable thing for us to do as human beings.  However, to be more like Your Son, Jesus Christ, then, we must be patient.  Even Jesus, himself was battered and bruised, spit upon; thoroughly thrashed with thorns upon His head...crucified...

Jesus was patient all the way through the abuse.

He was like a lamb, being led to the slaughter; He was silent (Isaiah 53:7; Acts 8:32).

Men succeeded in having their own way to bring Jesus down.  Nevertheless, You got the victory.  You brought praise, glory and honor upon Your Son that also reflect upon You.  You bought and brought life, salvation; Your rescue plan for mankind.

What Satan meant for harm, You, Father God, converted into phenomenal good (Genesis 50:20). 

On Lord's Day, let the followers of Jesus Christ remember this sacrificial love bestowed upon them, when Jesus went all the way to the cross.  Thank-You  Jesus for Your patience.  Thank You Father, for the opportunity to take the bread and the wine, passing them one to another and giving thanks.  Thanks for Your righteousness which You imputed to us as we believed in Your Son Jesus.  Thanks for the desires of our hearts You grant as we do Your will. 

I praise You and thank-You, Father, for all that You have done for Your human creatures.  We will never fully comprehend the heights and depths of Your love, patience and justice.  All we can do is humbly receive it all into our hearts and souls. 

In Jesus' wonderful Name I praise You Father.

                                                   ~ERC   February 2020~

Prayer based on Psalm 37:4-7

Wait Patiently Karl Kohlhase

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