Saturday, February 22, 2020

Tears of Joy

Yesterday, there was the funeral of a most beloved brother-in-Christ.  He was faithful to Christ until the end of his life's journey at the "tender" age of 90.  He had faithfully finished his race.

Friends of ours in a nearby country had also lost their dear Dad, whose funeral was scheduled more or less at the same hour as our well-loved church member.  He was younger, only 77 years of age.

These men will be greatly missed among their immediate family circle as well as from among God's family, at church.

We mourn.

God comforts in His good time.

We mourn but still have hope.  That is, a glorious, sure hope of meeting them again in heaven, with Christ.

That is the day we look forward to always (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).

At our 90 year old brother's funeral, the speaker talked some about tears.  Tears of sorrow which many were shedding as the speaker's only natural.  

Organic, authentic tears of sorrow; if you will.

Tears of joy were mentioned too.  Mr. Speaker noted that we rarely hear of this kind of tears.  We rarely see this kind, yet they do occur.  

Father God can turn our sorrow into joy.  He gives us the oil of joy for mourning.

Our God knows how to comfort His people.  Isaiah 51:2, 3 (NIV), reveals this to us,

"...our God...will comfort all who mourn...the oil (of joy) or gladness, instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair..."
 It's as if God's loving arms surround us and give comfort.

Jesus spoke to some of His disciples, telling them that when He leaves them, sheds His earthly temple, that they...

"...will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy" (John 16:20 NIV).

He went on to say,

"Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy..." (John 16:22 NIV).

What a God of all comfort we are privileged to know.  He is, 

"...the Father of compassion..."

"...the God of all comfort..."

"...through Christ our comfort overflows..." (2 Corinthians 1:3, 5 NIV)

"Praise be to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." (2  Corinthians 1:3 NIV)

All our tears of sadness and sorrow will be wiped away.  God says so,

"He will wipe every tear from their eyes" (Revelation 21:4 NIV)

We look forward to those happy, heavenly scenes where there will be singing, praising, and worshiping (Revelation 5:11-14; 7:9-11) by the redeemed of the Lord.  

Tears gone.

Tears replaced with joy and gladness.

That is what our brothers-in-Christ, who went on to glory before us are experiencing even now.

Those of us who are left below, mourn, here and now.  However, I believe that even, here and now, that our God of all comfort, comforts us and does turn that sorrow into joy.

It's possible.

Our Heavenly Father does not hide His face from those who cry out to Him who seek Him, who shelter "under His wings".

"Those who seek the LORD will praise Him..." (Psalm 22:26 NIV)

Their hearts will live forever.

They will proclaim the Lord's righteousness and claim His strength from the joy they receive from Him.

"...The joy of the Lord is my strength..."  (Nehemiah 8:10 NIV)

There will come a day when we can be glad and rejoice again.

I know.

It has happened in increments for me.  Yes, there is that grief of losing parents (both in the same year for me) and of other beloved ones, yet as the grip of grief lessens (likely it'll never quite go away) and we focus on the joy in heaven, in our heavenly Father's presence that they are already participating in, we begin to be more glad for them.  In turn, we become more glad.

This is some of the comfort we can have in Jesus, and of being the children of God.

May your tears of sorrow be turned into tears of joy by the God of all comfort.  Run into His open, outstretched arms of love, care, and comfort.  

He's waiting.

Be comforted.

Father, I thank-You we can joy in You.  We look forward to that day when all our sorrow will be turned into unadulterated joy in Your presence forevermore.  

In Jesus' name and by His redeeming grace we give You joyful thanks.

                                                 ~ERC  February 2020~

He Gave Me Beauty For Ashes as sung by the Maranatha singers.

Here's a piano rendition that plays a bit faster.  Denise Falavinha-Beauty for Ashes

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