Saturday, February 8, 2020

Prayer - Pure In Heart

Father, You say in Your Word, in Matthew chapter 5 and verse 8, 

"Blessed are those who are pure in heart for they will see God..." (NIV),

and in Psalm 11 and verse 7, we are reminded of Your righteousness, that You are the one and only Righteous God:  blameless and pure.  You are also one who loves justice, that which is right, and good and fair.  When men, those human creatures you have made, when they too are upright and righteous, they will get to see Your face too.  

Even like Psalm 17  also says, in righteousness I will see Your face.  That's what King David said.  David was a man after Your own heart.  He was such a good and upright man but yes, he had his terrible, terrible, awful wrongdoings that deserved capital punishment, according to Your rules and commandments.  Nevertheless, You had mercy upon him because he was repentant in heart which You consider a righteous act.  

He could boldly say,

 "I will see Your face."..."In righteousness, I will see Your face"!  

That's what he remarked upon and treasured, to reiterate,  in Psalm 17 verse 15...

" righteousness I will see Your face, when I awake I will be satisfied with seeing Your likeness."  

Even now, because of his righteousness and upright living, mankind will get to see Your face as did David did.  

So Father, as we followers of Jesus Christ Your Son, walk in a sanctified manner of living and have a pure heart and genuine desires, may we too see Your face.  Let there be a getting rid of excesses in our lives that would otherwise waste it:  those temptations, habits, those things that are not helpful nor pleasing in your sight.  As we rid ourselves of those, drop them off, cut them out and just plain stop it, instead, replacing them with the pursuit of love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, faith and kindness--the fruit of Your Holy Spirit working in our lives, and by the grace of God, we become pure in heart; genuine, without hypocrisy, that we too, will become upright, men and women of God, enabling us to see Your face, Your likeness.  Then with joy and gladness we can give you praise, honor and worship that is due to You and to You alone.  

In Jesus' name I can speak with You, oh Righteous Father.

                                                           ~ERC  February 2020~

Prayer based on Matthew 5:8; Psalm 11 & 17.

Blessed Are the Pure in Heart - English Song

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