Friday, February 28, 2020

Prayer - Turn From Anger

Father, Your Word in Psalm 37 reminds us to refrain from anger and turn from wrath.  I venture to say many people have difficulty restraining themselves from anger and wrath especially in the heat of a moment.  

When these spark, it's more than likely not righteous anger like Yours is Father God.  Not Christ-like at all.  It most often erupts from self-centered motivation.  Help us Father, to have that calmness, that stillness before You, and wait patiently for You so that in our anger we do not sin.

Then we need help learning not to fret or worry because Your word says it only leads to evil.  Our anxieties, over time, can lead to the downfall of our health.  We worry about things that may not ever come to pass. It all can become a vicious cycle.  Break it for us; we are helpless beings.  Thank-You for not seeing us as hopeless beings because we have You to turn too!  Teach us to turn to You in prayer.

Lord, we know we can still come to You and talk to You about it.  We can choose to leave it all with You so we do not fret.  We ascertain that evil men will be cut off, and those who hope in You will inherit the land.

We don't want to be like the children of Israel, a whole generation of them (except for two) that did not get to go into he Promised Land because of disobedience and lack of faith.  They grumbled against You.  However, to the next generation You still kept Your promise that they would enter that Promised Land and they did inherit it.  Alas, they squandered it, not appreciating You or Your gift, in the end.

Lord, I look forward to being in Your heavenly home right along with many others of Your children You adopted through Jesus.  I hope and pray that we all will not take this lightly as we continue to live on Earth, that we will walk worthy of Your calling (Ephesians 4;1).

May we choose to say, "I will walk worthy of Your calling, Lord, so that Your Name does not become a shame. among mankind.  I will choose to give my niggling fears, my anger, my grumbling all to You.  I choose to be Christ-like".

Let not Your reputation be tarnished.  I know You are "big" enough to take it but still I don't like it when people say bad things about You and Your people.  It hurts so it must also grieve You as it did eons ago when You were dealing with the children of Israel.

I look forward to "inheriting" that land up there in "Glory-land" when Jesus comes to take us, His Bride, back Home to be with You forever.  Then we will no longer be burdened by the cares of earthly living.   I give You thanks and praise for this, no doubt joined by myriads of the redeemed, singing and giving glory, in unison and harmony, celebrating for millenniums to come.

                                                 ~ERC   February 2020~

Prayer based on Psalm 37:8-9 (NIV).

What a Friend We Have In Jesus as sung by Michael W. Smith

Monday, February 24, 2020

Prayer - Everlasting God

Father God, You are a God who is from everlasting and goes to everlasting.  You are everlasting; the everlasting God; the eternal God.  Always there, the one Who protects, the One Who preserves and blesses our lives. We exalt You and give You praise.

Even when we are upon our sick bed You sustain us.  You sustain us in our hearts and in our souls and mind.  Father, there's an evil one out there, an enemy who is also out to get those of us who belong to You through Jesus Christ and His shed blood.  Your enemy Satan and his minions who do his bidding, do that work of seeking to steal, kill and destroy as much as he can; especially those who are upright in heart,  those who live to please You.  To those who are upright and pure in heart the enemy whispers to them, sometimes very loudly, sometimes softly, sometimes loud and clear enough to scare them, or soft and sweet enough to lure them.

Father there are all these things, that when we realize that in the Name of Jesus and by the power of Jesus blood we can claim that we are Your child (children), a child of God.  Thank-You.  Thank-You that all of us who are followers of Jesus Christ can claim this.  We have that right.  

Satan has no right whatsoever to come and disturb us, to harass us, to mess with us.  Lord may all that evil be like a vile disease being flushed out, cut off and destroyed; like being detoxed out of the system.  Bombard and destroy the evil one and send him and it to wherever Jesus sends it.

Yes, Jesus has conquered the grave and death and hell when He rose again from the dead.  Oh praise be to the Lord!  Thank-You, Father that Jesus has defeated Satan and that You have given us, Your children, Your Holy Spirit to aid and abet us in our earthly struggles and temptations and trials. 

At times we feel like we want to lose hope, faith, and trust in You because sometimes we feel as if You are far away or just not interested or as if You don't care. However, we know Lord, You do.  That is often one of Satan's strategies to lure us away from You with just such thinking.  Strengthen our resolve and faith so that we may never give up.  

Lord, may the words of the evil ones, those who spread false accusations and lies and slander, may their words and actions perish, be cut off and may those who would keep hammering away with ignoble vocable come to know Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior.  Have mercy on their souls, Lord.  Stop their mouths and tongues from wagging and bragging iniquities.  Convert their hearts and words and may they speak, instead, words of peace and blessing and with the love of Jesus.

In Psalm 41, we read that David wanted those enemies who spoke and spread false things about him and who had even betrayed him, switching to the enemy's side, destroyed.  Lord these kinds of people exist even today and still urgently need Jesus Christ in their lives.  Succour Your children to be the ones to forgive.  I know that is a tough assignment  but because we are Your children, WE MUST.

We must submit to Your Holy Spirit's power working within us so we can reach out in love, someway, somehow to genuinely forgive those who have wronged us in such terrible wicked, evil ways.

Let not Your enemy triumph.  Help us, instead, in gaining uprightness and integrity of heart.  Uphold us so that we can indeed see Your face as we know Your presence is with us through Your Holy Spirit.  When we gather together by twos or threes in your Name, Your presence is there, collectively, in strength and power and unity.  

Again, Heavenly Father, we praise You. You are not only the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and of the whole nation of Israel but You are also our God.  The God of the Church where Jesus is the Head,

 "...He is the Head of the body, the Church..." (Colossians 1:18 ESV)

You are our God, our Savior, Lord and You are from everlasting to everlasting and it's in Jesus wonderful Name we praise, worship and give thanks.

Amen and Amen.

                                                      ~ERC   February 2020~

Prayer based on Psalm 41.

Song  Psalm 41 as sung by Jason Silver

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Lord's Day Devotion - Devotional Prayer - He was Patient

Heavenly Father, I delight myself in You.  You give me the desires of my heart when they are the desires of Your heart too.  I will commit my way to You and trust in You that You will do these things as I ask  them in the name of Jesus, Your Son.  As one becomes more like Your Son through the sanctification process, realizing what You want, knowing Your "pulse" more intimately, that these desires will line up, more and more, with Yours.

Father, make Your righteousness shine like the dawn and the justice of Your cause like the noonday sun because You are the Judge of all judges.  you are the righteous Judge, the Judge of all the earth who does right.  May Your justice also shine like the noonday sun; in great brilliance may it shine.

Your sun, at noon, is so, so bright.  It's at its brightest.  We long for, we plead and beg, for Your justice in our lives with similar intensity; for You to rule and reign.  Lord, You also say to  us, 

" still before You and wait patiently for You" (Psalm 37:7 NIV).

Many times we want to see that justice here and NOW!

In our time.

In our day!

You ask us not to fret when men succeed in their ways, ways that are unjust, aimed at carrying out their wicked schemes and more often than not getting away with it.  You ask us to "be still"? and to "wait patiently"?!

Lord, that's a very disagreeable thing for us to do as human beings.  However, to be more like Your Son, Jesus Christ, then, we must be patient.  Even Jesus, himself was battered and bruised, spit upon; thoroughly thrashed with thorns upon His head...crucified...

Jesus was patient all the way through the abuse.

He was like a lamb, being led to the slaughter; He was silent (Isaiah 53:7; Acts 8:32).

Men succeeded in having their own way to bring Jesus down.  Nevertheless, You got the victory.  You brought praise, glory and honor upon Your Son that also reflect upon You.  You bought and brought life, salvation; Your rescue plan for mankind.

What Satan meant for harm, You, Father God, converted into phenomenal good (Genesis 50:20). 

On Lord's Day, let the followers of Jesus Christ remember this sacrificial love bestowed upon them, when Jesus went all the way to the cross.  Thank-You  Jesus for Your patience.  Thank You Father, for the opportunity to take the bread and the wine, passing them one to another and giving thanks.  Thanks for Your righteousness which You imputed to us as we believed in Your Son Jesus.  Thanks for the desires of our hearts You grant as we do Your will. 

I praise You and thank-You, Father, for all that You have done for Your human creatures.  We will never fully comprehend the heights and depths of Your love, patience and justice.  All we can do is humbly receive it all into our hearts and souls. 

In Jesus' wonderful Name I praise You Father.

                                                   ~ERC   February 2020~

Prayer based on Psalm 37:4-7

Wait Patiently Karl Kohlhase

Tears of Joy

Yesterday, there was the funeral of a most beloved brother-in-Christ.  He was faithful to Christ until the end of his life's journey at the "tender" age of 90.  He had faithfully finished his race.

Friends of ours in a nearby country had also lost their dear Dad, whose funeral was scheduled more or less at the same hour as our well-loved church member.  He was younger, only 77 years of age.

These men will be greatly missed among their immediate family circle as well as from among God's family, at church.

We mourn.

God comforts in His good time.

We mourn but still have hope.  That is, a glorious, sure hope of meeting them again in heaven, with Christ.

That is the day we look forward to always (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).

At our 90 year old brother's funeral, the speaker talked some about tears.  Tears of sorrow which many were shedding as the speaker's only natural.  

Organic, authentic tears of sorrow; if you will.

Tears of joy were mentioned too.  Mr. Speaker noted that we rarely hear of this kind of tears.  We rarely see this kind, yet they do occur.  

Father God can turn our sorrow into joy.  He gives us the oil of joy for mourning.

Our God knows how to comfort His people.  Isaiah 51:2, 3 (NIV), reveals this to us,

"...our God...will comfort all who mourn...the oil (of joy) or gladness, instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair..."
 It's as if God's loving arms surround us and give comfort.

Jesus spoke to some of His disciples, telling them that when He leaves them, sheds His earthly temple, that they...

"...will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy" (John 16:20 NIV).

He went on to say,

"Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy..." (John 16:22 NIV).

What a God of all comfort we are privileged to know.  He is, 

"...the Father of compassion..."

"...the God of all comfort..."

"...through Christ our comfort overflows..." (2 Corinthians 1:3, 5 NIV)

"Praise be to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." (2  Corinthians 1:3 NIV)

All our tears of sadness and sorrow will be wiped away.  God says so,

"He will wipe every tear from their eyes" (Revelation 21:4 NIV)

We look forward to those happy, heavenly scenes where there will be singing, praising, and worshiping (Revelation 5:11-14; 7:9-11) by the redeemed of the Lord.  

Tears gone.

Tears replaced with joy and gladness.

That is what our brothers-in-Christ, who went on to glory before us are experiencing even now.

Those of us who are left below, mourn, here and now.  However, I believe that even, here and now, that our God of all comfort, comforts us and does turn that sorrow into joy.

It's possible.

Our Heavenly Father does not hide His face from those who cry out to Him who seek Him, who shelter "under His wings".

"Those who seek the LORD will praise Him..." (Psalm 22:26 NIV)

Their hearts will live forever.

They will proclaim the Lord's righteousness and claim His strength from the joy they receive from Him.

"...The joy of the Lord is my strength..."  (Nehemiah 8:10 NIV)

There will come a day when we can be glad and rejoice again.

I know.

It has happened in increments for me.  Yes, there is that grief of losing parents (both in the same year for me) and of other beloved ones, yet as the grip of grief lessens (likely it'll never quite go away) and we focus on the joy in heaven, in our heavenly Father's presence that they are already participating in, we begin to be more glad for them.  In turn, we become more glad.

This is some of the comfort we can have in Jesus, and of being the children of God.

May your tears of sorrow be turned into tears of joy by the God of all comfort.  Run into His open, outstretched arms of love, care, and comfort.  

He's waiting.

Be comforted.

Father, I thank-You we can joy in You.  We look forward to that day when all our sorrow will be turned into unadulterated joy in Your presence forevermore.  

In Jesus' name and by His redeeming grace we give You joyful thanks.

                                                 ~ERC  February 2020~

He Gave Me Beauty For Ashes as sung by the Maranatha singers.

Here's a piano rendition that plays a bit faster.  Denise Falavinha-Beauty for Ashes

Friday, February 21, 2020

Prayer - To Bless A Birthday Person

This prayer, based on Psalm 27 (NIV), was used to bless someone close to me on their birthday.  In some places I inserted the person's name.  I'll leave the name out (insert and underscore your own chosen person's name) of this 'version' so anyone can use this for anyone, as seen fit by whoever wishes to put a prayer of blessing upon loved ones, friends, neighbors, etc.  When it comes to the 'talent' part, you can modify further as your situation would call for.  In addition to that, there is a part about a father and mother never forsaking the son/daughter, if something different is the case, again, this will have to be modified.

Here goes...

Father, the LORD is _________'s light and salvation.  Still any fears he/she may have as he/she need not fear anyone or anything.  He/She need only to have the "fear of the Lord" before his/her, as You are the stronghold of his/her life.

When wicked persons or trials and tribulations of life besiege _________, when battles come into his/her life, let not his/her heart fear but even then, to have confidence in You.

May _________ ask from You, LORD, may he/she only seek to dwell in Your house, all the days of his/her life.  May he/she be able to commune with You in the inner sanctums of his/her home, that special place he's/she's made to "be still" and seek You.  Yet may his/her whole life exemplify his/her dwelling in Your house, seeing Your beauty.

Let this be his/her knowledge and understanding and confidence, even in a small way, because You are so almighty and our human being thoughts could never measure up to Yours, Father God, as he/she hides his/herself in Your shelter, Your "tent," that safe haven for him/her.

As he/she does so, LORD, set him/her up on a high rock, above all his/her enemies, so he/she can shout and sing and make music to You Father.  May new songs of joy and gratitude and thanksgiving usher forth from his/her mouth and down into his/her fingers as he/she touches the piano, strums the guitar; holds and strokes with the paint brush;  or into his/her dancing ballet feet, or any manner of talented exploits or even in the what some may deem, mundane, whipping up of food in the kitchen, scrubbing floors, etc...the list could go on, Father, but in whatever is done, may it be a declaration for his/her love and thanks for you "in song" (literally or figuratively); an offering of praise, that sacrifice from his/her lips.  May _________ declare Your deeds to You and to all, whom he/she knows and/or comes into contact with that they may know he/she has been sheltering in Your presence.  

I believe You will hear his/her voice when he/she calls to You, LORD.  She believes it too.  Hear him/her when he/she calls in the name of Jesus, as he/she belongs to You.  Be merciful to him/her and answer his/her requests and desires of heart.  Your face, oh LORD, he/she seeks.  

He/She is Your child, may he/she look up into Your face, knowing You will already be waiting to meet her gaze, as Jesus did to Peter.  In love and mercy, You did not reject Peter, and I ask You do not reject _________'s requests that are asked according to Your will and in Your Son Jesus' name.

Jesus is his/her Savior as You sent Him to be.  Just like _________'s father and mother never forsook him/her except through their Homegoing, to You, we know and can be assured, that You will never ever leave or forsake him/her.  There are those whose parents do forsake them, but You are the Perfect Father  and in John 10:27-30, especially verses 28 & 29 (ESV),  Jesus pronounces,

"I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of My hand.  My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand.  

_________ is safe and secure in Your hands, Father.  Bring him/her joy and happiness in Jesus because You have received  and accepted him/her.  You have never left nor forsaken him/her.

Teach _________ Your ways, as You have been doing, and as he/she continues to seek Your face in "Your house", lead and guide him/her through Your Holy Spirit in the straight path to You, and to avoid any who would wish to oppress him/her, set up false witnesses against him/her and/or spout malicious accusations against him/her.

May _________ confidently see Your goodness in the land of the living, knowing he/she will one day see Your face in full glory in Your Heavenly home when You call him/her/us all, to be with You in Glory.  What a day that will be!

Father God, _________ will wait for You.  May he/she be strong and take heart and wait for You!

In Jesus Name I pray...

                                                          ~ERC  January 2020~

Psalm 27 in song as presented by Jason Silver

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Lord's Day Devotion - Songs of Ascent

They say, "curiosity killed the cat."  There's an addendum to that, "...but satisfaction brought him back."  That cat had not yet used up it's nine lives.  Ha, ha!

It was certainly out of curiosity, that finally, after many decades of wondering, that "this cat" let her curiosity get the better of her!  She looked up what was probably the meaning of "song of ascent".

Yeah, "ascent" is "going up".  In this case, going up where?

Do you realize that there's about fifteen Psalms subtitled "A Song of Ascents"?  From Psalm 120-134 we see this subtitle.  These purportedly would be sung by the faithful during their yearly trek to Jerusalem for the Passover.

I find this an exciting discovery!

Can you imagine it?  Thousands of pilgrims on foot, scuffing along and stirring up the dusty roads, singing, hopefully, in harmony, any one of these songs of ascents?

Someone would start off and by ones or twos or hundreds, they'd join in.  I would have loved to be in that singing song throng!  It would certainly make one glad of heart and rejoice!

Can you picture it?

We had an across-the-street neighbor once, who used to come outside and tinker with his car or some electrical device and while he worked, he whistled.  Tuneful whistles of those traditional lovely old pieces of the 1800 and early 1900's wafted across the way.  It was very pleasant and uplifting to hear as I did my work of the home.

So I picture the mass transit of Israelites headed for the Tabernacle, and later to the Temple, raising their voices in unison, to give God praise; to beseech Him for help; or to acknowledge and confess their sinfulness and repentance before they reached the House of God and of His Holy Presence.

It's quite probable the Hebrews sang these songs at other times as well; for instance, while ascending Mount Zion or the steps of the Temple for regular weekly Sabbath worship.  No wonder musical David loved it all and especially when others went along with him, blending their voices in song and worship before God, his Maker, Refuge, Shield and Deliverer.  He sure knew how to give thanks with a grateful heart.

David, and later, his son Solomon, wrote these songs and helped to lead their people in worship, praise, repentance and confession, adoration, honor and glory which they ascribed to God, their King.

Nowadays, what do you suppose it would be like if fellow followers of Jesus Christ would get into their vehicles and en route to church of a Lord's Day, burst into songs of praise, thanksgiving and adoration to the Lord?  As we ascend the church steps to go to meet the Savior and bathe in His presence, remembering Him in His death, and with hearts full of praise, sing joyfully and reverently, our songs of joy and gladness?

I'd really like that.

Would you?

Such satisfaction would indeed, bring me back again and again.

                                              ~ERC  February 2020~

Sing Hallelujah To The Lord

Psalm 120 (A Song of Ascents by Autumn Dawn Leader)

Psalm 121 (A Song of Ascents by Autumn Dawn Leader)

Autumn Dawn "sings" some of the other Songs of Ascents as well.  Some of the tunes are faster paced. You can Google them.

The Hillsongs folks also sing some.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Prayer - Apple of His Eye

Father, I don't know how many can say like David did in his prayer,

"Though You probe my heart and examine me at night, and test me You will find nothing..." (Psalm 17:3 ESV)

Our hearts are, as Jeremiah said, continually "deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked" (Jeremiah 17:9).

Even though Your Holy Spirit has indwelt us followers of Jesus Christ, and is in the process of transforming us into becoming more like Your Son Jesus, never cease to help us each, Father God, that when You probe us and send Your conviction through Your Holy Spirit, that You'll find nothing.  That we will be living obedient lives before You and men.

Help us to resolve that our mouth will not sin, that our actions will not be sinful.

We also ask that the people around us, that men and women everywhere, will also keep themselves from violent ways and they will not be attacking us, Your children, in any way, shape or form.

May our steps hold to Your path and may our feet not slip, Father.  May our dependance always be upon You.  May our trust and faith in Your guidance through Your Holy Spirit, evoke obedient, willing hearts that do not want to sin.

Father, we thank You that when we call on You that You will answer us and have Your ears open to our cry and prayer.  Thank-You for indeed hearing our prayers.

Father, the world celebrates Valentine's Day and talks of love, celebrates human love that is often fickle.  You have shown us Your divine love.  Your constant love abides, yet show us often, the wonder of Your great love for us by the acts and deeds You do for us, as we ask, one by one.  Show us that You save us by Your right hand when we take refuge in You, away from our foes.  This, as a mother hen calls her chicks to the safety under her wings, to hide and protect them, that we will run to You in a similar fashion when we truly realize our refuge is in You.  Our hope is in You.  Our all is in You.  

You see us all as the apple of Your eye, holding that special, special place within Your heart.  Thank-You, Lord for loving us so much.

There's that saying that "You love us all equally but as if there is only one of us".  So, help us to discern that love.  Let others know and grasp Your love too Father.  Many people are not loved; they don't feel that they are loved.  Wrap Your comforting, loving arms around us all and those who have low self-esteem and have been down-trodden by wicked, evil people through abuse; through kidnapping; through persecution; through human many ways in which mankind can break down, tear down and destroy their fellow mankind.  

We're an awful, unloveable bunch, Father, yet You still loved and continue to love, us.  This You have proven to us time and again, especially in sending Your Son Jesus to die on the cross for us, to redeem us and bring us back to You with Your gift of salvation.

Help each one in those helpless, hopeless, desparate situations to perceive that they are the apple of Your eye.   Send them visions of Jesus and His outstretched hands, holding them out to them in love.  Let them get the message that You will hide them in the shadow of Your wings.  Hiding them from their mortal enemies who surround them, as you did for David, so long ago (Psalm 17).  Bring them ways and means of escape.

Many of those wicked people "close up their callous hearts and their mouths speak arrogance" (Psalm 17:10), as if they've done nothing wrong.  Track them down and bind them with a perimeter that hedges them in.  Do so with Your alert eyes, to throw them down and thwart them yet again and again (vs 11).

Father God, rise up and confront these kinds of people who go about like hungry lions seeking prey, crounching in cover, to spring suddenly upon the righteous when they are least aware (vs 12).

Father, may Your Holy Spirit alert us to be sensitive to Your voice.  Oh Lord, help us to be sensitive to Your voice in order to obey You and to be listening to Your Words in  our life, that brings life and protection when we take heed to Your provision.

Oh Lord, Your hand can save us from such men and women of this world whose reward is only in this life.  Even then in the New Testament, You asked us to bless those who curse us, to bless those who persecute us and I tell You, Lord, that's a very difficutl thing to do!  To be forgiving and not just forgiving but to bless them on top of all that!  It can only be by Your galvainzing grace moving us to such action.

Lord, give us Your kind of heart of grace and love.  The heart of Jesus.  Not to take revenge.  Not to continually ponder upon bad thoughts about those who do those awful deeds to us, 'cuz we know they too need the saving grace of Your Son Jesus Christ.

Satisfy that hunger of those You cherish.  We want You in our lives.  Still our spiritual hunger, our emotional hunger, our physical hunger.  Many of Your people are literally hungry because they have been persecuted and sent out of villages.  Maybe even thirsty too to avoid torture and death or humiliation they could find at the village well.  Lord, let them know that You cherish them, as well as their sons and daughters.  Help them to be able to store  up the spiritual wealth of forgiving.   Aid them in this so that the perpetrators will turn and seek You.  May they be astonished by how Your people respond or react in love and forgiveness and blessing instead of cursing those who have caused such distress, such evil, upon them.

All our righteouness comes from You but Lord that sanctification process is a long, slow haul.  May we each grip tightly onto that righteousness so man can see, not just what You see in us, so that we can see Your face.  Those of us who live the holy life will be able to see Your face as Moses' and other's did who were able to come into Your presence.  Lord, when we are awake or asleep we'll  be satisfied with seeing Your likeness.  

It's then, when we gather under Your wings, we fully realize being the "apple of Your eye".

I can't wait until I get to go to be in heaven with You.  When You will transform us yet again; permanently, for ever.  Then we will no longer be able to sin, at all.  In this state, for ever with You.

I ask this in the wonderful name of Jesus.

                                                    ~ERC  February 2020~

Based on Psalm 17

Song, Apple of Your Eye, as sung by Esther Mui

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Prayer - Pure In Heart

Father, You say in Your Word, in Matthew chapter 5 and verse 8, 

"Blessed are those who are pure in heart for they will see God..." (NIV),

and in Psalm 11 and verse 7, we are reminded of Your righteousness, that You are the one and only Righteous God:  blameless and pure.  You are also one who loves justice, that which is right, and good and fair.  When men, those human creatures you have made, when they too are upright and righteous, they will get to see Your face too.  

Even like Psalm 17  also says, in righteousness I will see Your face.  That's what King David said.  David was a man after Your own heart.  He was such a good and upright man but yes, he had his terrible, terrible, awful wrongdoings that deserved capital punishment, according to Your rules and commandments.  Nevertheless, You had mercy upon him because he was repentant in heart which You consider a righteous act.  

He could boldly say,

 "I will see Your face."..."In righteousness, I will see Your face"!  

That's what he remarked upon and treasured, to reiterate,  in Psalm 17 verse 15...

" righteousness I will see Your face, when I awake I will be satisfied with seeing Your likeness."  

Even now, because of his righteousness and upright living, mankind will get to see Your face as did David did.  

So Father, as we followers of Jesus Christ Your Son, walk in a sanctified manner of living and have a pure heart and genuine desires, may we too see Your face.  Let there be a getting rid of excesses in our lives that would otherwise waste it:  those temptations, habits, those things that are not helpful nor pleasing in your sight.  As we rid ourselves of those, drop them off, cut them out and just plain stop it, instead, replacing them with the pursuit of love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, faith and kindness--the fruit of Your Holy Spirit working in our lives, and by the grace of God, we become pure in heart; genuine, without hypocrisy, that we too, will become upright, men and women of God, enabling us to see Your face, Your likeness.  Then with joy and gladness we can give you praise, honor and worship that is due to You and to You alone.  

In Jesus' name I can speak with You, oh Righteous Father.

                                                           ~ERC  February 2020~

Prayer based on Matthew 5:8; Psalm 11 & 17.

Blessed Are the Pure in Heart - English Song

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Prayer - Facing the Righteous Judge

Heavenly Father, I praise You.  I praise You with all my heart because of Your many wonders.  I'm glad and rejoice over all You do in the world.  I know that one of Your attributes is being a just Judge.  You are the Judge over all the earth who does right.  You  are the righteous judge and king and Your throne endures forever.  You will have Your Son Jesus sitting on the throne for ever and ever too.

Lord, make Your justice known to the wicked so they can turn from their unrighteous ways, turn, and seek the You with all their heart; be transformed by the blood of Jesus Christ and through the help of the Holy Spirit, turn from darkness to Your holy light.  

May they then go forth among the nations; to those nations who often forget about You.  Let the wicked be reminded that You are the Judge they will be facing in the end--they won't be able to escape nor shake their fists at You.  Lord, arise and let not man triumph.  Let the nations be judged in Your presence and sing praise to Your Name with all of their hearts, O Most High.

Leaders of some nations have been/are real tyrants and have been almost since the beginning of time.  Even in our lifetime, and in the previous generation, we know there have been powerful leaders who have been very brutal, cruel, mean, and heartless.  They have culled even their own people; people within their own nations who may be of a different ethnic background than they or have disagreed with them.

Father, judge these leaders, let them know they are going to be standing before You, the Righteous Judge.

We think of those leaders who believe they are very powerful men and indeed, this world lets them be powerful. For instance, in the United Nations Organization (UN), Lord, there are some pretty powerful people there making decisions as if playing chess with peoples' lives.  Help them Lord, to govern the world aright.   Not just self-centered, own interest-based judgments and decisions but for the interest/benefits of the whole world; the global world.  

It has become a global world, Father.  Give the leaders the wisdom to righteously judge and make good and righteous decisions that profit everyone.  Lord, let them know that they are but men.  They are not gods, they are but men; creatures made by You, the true Judge of all judges and Leader of all leaders, who gives them the authority they have in the first place.

I ask this in the Name of Jesus and by the power of Jesus' blood that You work in these peoples' hearts.  


                                                      ~ERC  February 2020~

Prayer based on Psalm 9 (NIV).

Sing Psalm 9 - as sung by Brian Doerksen

Day of Judgement, Day of Wonders by John Newton, as sung by Metropolitan Tabernacle, London

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Prayer - Sup With Me

Heavenly Father, You are the Rock of my salvation and I come before You with thanksgiving in my heart.  I want to shout for joy and give thanks to You, Almighty God, Creator.  You are the King above all kings, the Lord of Lords; the God of all gods.  Not that there should be any other gods except for You, Father, because You are the One Who created the sea and the mountains and the land, the earth and sky, and all that is in them.  You have formed them with Your very hands!

Again, we bow down and worship before You, our Maker.  You have made humans beings, but our fallen nature causes You to have to "still make" them; that is, You help us through our sanctification.  We thank You for the righteousness You have given us through justification through faith in Jesus and through Your grace, oh LORD God Almighty.  

Father, yes, I like to call You Father; "Father God", because You care and provide for me.  Yet You are also the Creator God...

Lord, help me not to harden my heart against Your voice as You bring to mind, through Your Holy Spirit's enabling, things I need to open my heart to You about.  Help me to trust You, always.  I say, "always" in my head, but help me, in reality, to really trust You in my heart as well, so that I do not close the door of my heart to You, ever.  I know You will never go away because of the everlasting life You've given and I realize You are always there, ready and waiting.  

It's me who often does not come to You or let You in.  In God's Word we read that You are standing at the door (of our hearts), knocking, and when the one inside opens that door You will come in and sup with them (Revelation 3:20).  I thank You for this.  I praise You for this.  I thank You that one day I, along with multitudes from every tribe and nation from around the whole wide world, will enter into Your Heavenly Home of Rest.  I look forward to being with You and Your Son and with all Your children--one day that only You know about--to be with Christ, our Bridegroom, for ever and ever; a glorious actuality to come!  

Until then, I wait patiently for the best "Sup of All 'Time'" and I give thanks for this in Jesus Name...

                                                          ~ERC  January 2020~

Prayer based on Psalm 95

Song-Suppertime as sung by George Younce with the Bill & Gloria Gaither singers

Jesus made us worthy to sup with Him.  Click on this link of one of my other blog entries to learn more...Made Worthy