Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Lord's Day Devotion - Made Worthy

Go back, way back to ancient times to the Old Testament and the wealth of true stories.  One favorite of my Dad's was the story of Mephibosheth.    Now that's a mouthful of a name.  This story comes from 2 Samuel chapter 9.  

King David showed kindness to Mephibosheth for the sake of his promise made to Jonathan, Mephibosheth's father.

Mephibosheth must have been quaking in his sandals when he was brought before the great King David.  He well knew that new kings got rid of previous kings' prodigy; eliminate the competition for the throne.  No wonder he was off hiding in the boonies some where.  But he had gotten "unearthed".  Here he was, come what may, in King David's presence with his face bowed to the floor daring not to look up into the king's face.

He had only been 5 years old when his grandfather King Saul and his father Jonathan had been wounded and slain in battle (2 Samuel 4:4).  What did he know of Jonathan, his father's friendship with David the then, shepherd boy come harpist?  Hearsay?  History exaggerated? 

No one would have known of the secret covenant and promise between David and Jonathan to care for each other's descendants should one or the other of them pass away first and said offspring needed the help (1 Samuel 20:14-17, 42). 

But David, a man of integrity, kept his promise to his good friend Jonathan and brought his son Mephibosheth to his table to dine daily.  He was also granted back the land that had belonged to his father and grandfather and one Ziba and family were to be his servants.    Wow!  So unexpected!

What a mighty man of character David was!  What mercy, grace and kindness he bestowed upon Mephibosheth.  Mephibosheth, besides being "the enemy",  was crippled on both his feet.  Yet those feet that could not be seen at the table were not an issue with David.  He kept his promise to his friend Jonathan, who incidentally was in the position to be the next king, not David, had he lived.

Mephibosheth likely did not feel 'worthy' to even be in King David's presence, yet here he was eating and communing at David's table!

Isn't this a wonderful example of what God did, through Jesus death and resurrection for all mankind?  If a person will accept God's gift of salvation, through faith, they are made worth in God's sight to come into His presence.  God credits that individual with His righteousness.  

Romans 4:22-24 spells this out...

"That is why his faith was "counted to him as righteousness"  But the words "it was counted to him were not written for his sake alone, but for ours also.  It will be counted to us who believe in him who raised from the dead Jesus our Lord, who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification."

Jesus made us worthy in God's sight when we accepted the gift of salvation from God which Jesus purchased with His own blood.  We are worthy and much loved by God.  Following you can click on a link that shows numerous Bible verses of just how much we are worth to God and how He has made us worthy to come boldly into His presence and commune with Him whenever and wherever we may be.  

The child of God has been made worthy to partake of the bread and wine in remembrance of Jesus's kind and loving act of dying on the cross and His resurrection from the dead, and to dine with Him in Heaven, forever, one of these days soon.

Click link:    Our Worth To God

                                                        ~ERC  2018~


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