Thursday, January 30, 2020

Prayer for Wuhan and the World

Heavenly Father, we bow down with our faces to the ground in praise, adoration, in reverent awe, and in the fear and name of the Lord.  You are our Maker.  You made us to perfection and pronounced all Your work, "very good" (Genesis 1:1-31; esp vs 31).

Then The Fall came.  Sin.  Sin and all its consequences: separation from God, sickness, suffering, and ultimately, death.  We are now fallen creatures of imperfection; a fallen world of nature.  Sounds like gloom and despair, hopelessness and panic.

Yet, You did not abandon us, Father God.  Your unconditional, unfailing love prompted You to prove this steadfast love, to us, the fallen race of human beings.  You sent Jesus Christ to die on the cross for us all; the "whosoever will" who will accept Your love and forgiveness, and repent from our sins.  Jesus, Your Son, broke that curse Your enemy Satan perpetuated upon mankind.  Those fetters were broken asunder.  Therein is light, joy, hope and peace for one and all who receive Your gift of salvation. 

Jesus was wounded for our transgressions and with His stripes we were made whole.  Isaiah describes this in his book, Isaiah, and chapter 53, verses 3-5 but especially verse 5 (ESV), as we can read below...

"He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief...Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrow;...But he was pierced for our transgressions; He was crushed for our iniquities; upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with His wounds we are healed."

Healing...healing in our hearts, souls and spirits...healing, indirectly, in our bodies.

Humbly, Father, we give You thanks for Your love and Jesus' act of selfless love; that sacrifice for us.  We followers of Jesus Christ confess our wrong doings; our sins.  We thank You, in turn for Your forgiveness.

At this time, and all around the world, but especially from what seems to be the epicenter of the current lethal corona-virus, that is believed to have originated in Wuhan, China.  We implore You for Your mercy upon all Your human beings, especially those who have already contracted this virus.  Stop this virus.  Halt it in its tracks.  Heal those who are sick with it.

We know that those in Wuhan are no worse sinners than the rest of us. Like Jesus said about the Galileans with whose blood Pilate desecrated the Temple and those eighteen on whom the Tower of Siloam fell, killing them, that they were no worse either.  Jesus went on to say, we all need to repent or we will all perish (Luke 13:1-5).

May there be great repentance worldwide, Father.  Great repentance and great revival.  May millions upon millions turn to You.  Turn to You, to seek Your face, repent of their sin, learn of Your goodness and their need of You and Your Son Jesus, to accept Your love and forgiveness and receive the healing of their souls; repairing that catastrophic breech that had separated them from You, Father God.  That breech that Jesus spanned on the cross, shedding His blood for the remission of sins.  May each one be "infected" with Your love, forgiveness of sins and eternal life as they turn to You in waves of droves.

Father, we seek Your aid in finding resolution against the corona-virus.  Thank-You for the measures and great efforts the Chinese government have begun, striving to contain this virus.  Galvanize governments around the world to do the same.  We know world leaders are in Your hands and You can compel them to do as You wish for the good of mankind in general, and the individual in particular.  Make their hearts willing and give them wisdom to know what to do and how to do it.

May the many scientists/doctors/researchers world-wide integrate their knowledge and skill with effective understanding.  Give them a special anointing of Your heavenly wisdom; shower it in torrents upon them, as You did back in ancient times upon the craftsmen constructing the Tabernacle for Your presence to dwell, and all the furnishings, back there in the wilderness (Exodus 31:3).  Show them efficacious ways to halt this virus and even keep it from mutating.

Keep wicked men from perpetuating and prolonging the pandemic proportions this virus has already penetrated upon populaces of the world.

You learned all about grief, Father, when You lost Your Son for our sakes.  You know how to comfort others.  You know what to say and what to do.  Comfort those who have already lost their loved ones from this virus  May they find peace, hope and comfort in You, in Your good time. 

Heavenly Father, You are the Great Physician.  The followers of Jesus Christ stand in the gap and call upon You, beseeching You.  Hear our call.  Hear our cries.  See our distress.  On behalf of the world's citizens, whom we pray will turn to You and give thanks, I ask all the above in Jesus' Name.

                                                        ~ERC  January 2020~

The Great Physician as sung by The NCrew EliEli

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