Saturday, January 25, 2020

Prayer - Call Out, "Jesus!"

Father, thank-You so much for Jesus, and Your Holy Spirit who indwells the followers of Jesus Christ, Your Son, making us Your children; signed, sealed and secured.  It is marvelous to belong to You.

As Your children, we need not fear Your enemy, Satan, nor any of his minions.  We, along with the multitudes who often surrounded Jesus during His tenure on earth, are amazed at Jesus' divine power and authority.  Power and authority  over diseases, which He healed; and that enabled Him to do so many miracles--such as the turning of water into wine; walking on water; healing a man who perhaps had had kidney failure due advanced diabetes (Luke 14:1-4).  These deeds are, quite frankly, astonishing.

Then there were the evil spirits that chained people making them wild, or fettered with physical ailments.  For example, the woman who was bent over for eighteen long years by an evil spirit (Luke 18:10-13).  Many may have thought it was the result of osteoporosis.  Jesus knew it was an evil spirit and He released her from the bondage, and she stood up straight and tall.

Another incident, Father, that was very obvious was the man living like a  naked savage in the tombs, self-inflicting harm;  as we read in Your Word in Mark 5:1-10.  No one could "tame" him, not even with chains.  He was well known in the region and likely well feared.  Yet when he spotted Jesus, the legion of demons possessing the man knew Jesus was to be bowed to, submitted to and knew their days, rather minutes, of torturing the Legion-man, were numbered.  You commanded those demons to leave the man and they did.  The man got dressed and was in his right mind, sitting, listening to Jesus.

We are totally dumbfounded by Your power and authority, Father, as embodied in Jesus Your Son.  We bow speechless and  in humbleness before You; the Great and Mighty God!

We thank and praise You that Jesus is Lord over evil spirits.  That He is stronger than they ever are or could be; stronger than Satan himself.

Father, we human beings are much weaker than any of them but being Your children, Father, who are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, have Your power and authority and strength to overcome the evil one.  Thank-You, that we can cry out, "Jesus, save me!" and those evil ones have no choice but to listen, to obey and submit to the powerful Name of Jesus.

If God, You are for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31)?

Mark 1:27 remarks,

"He even gives orders to evil spirits and they obey Him" (NIV).

Thank-You for these reassurances, Father!  These privileges and rights we have as Your children we do not take lightly.  We can only thank-You as we depend upon You and in grateful praise, give you thanks and honor as we live ever increasingly, Christ-like lives.

We do this with Your strength.  We thank-You that we can call You, Father, and shout out to Jesus, our Savior, in good times and in our bad times and times we are afraid; times we are harassed by the evil one.

In this powerful Name of Jesus, we pray...

                                                      ~ERC   January 2020~

Break Every Chain sung by Jesus Culture Lyrics

All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name as sung by Maranatha singers

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus as sung by ( ? )

This blog entry based on Mark 5:1-20.

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