Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Prayer: God's Kingdom of Holy Priests

Father we give you thanks and praise that we can call upon Your Holy Name and give thanks to You for all you have done for us.  Every time we can make Your deeds known to one and all as best we can, may You be praised and honored.  I thank you for giving me the idea to write so many blog pieces about You and how we can live our lives to please You, and for those who read them.    May the Good News of your salvation steal into the hearts of one and all, that we may know Your Son Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, personally and intimately. 

Thank-You for sending Him to earth in human form.  Often You are seen as an abstract Being but Jesus, being God, is One who walked this earth and people could touch Him, hear Him, SEE Him. It is very difficult at times to know You and Your presence with us.  So thank-you for sending Jesus with whom we can relate.  Thank-you for sending Him to earth to die on the cross for our sins but before that, for sending Him to walk among men and that there were eyewitnesses to His life on earth, like Peter and John and all those good guys' eyes who later journalled it for us and we can read all about it in Your good book, the Bible.   They are Your Words You wanted us to know and understand and accept.

Thank-you for all those things you do for us everyday.  Things that we don't very often see or realize or even thank You for.  Thank-You, though for Your most treasured, Treasure:  Your Son, Jesus Christ who came as a babe to this earth.  Lord, thank-You.  And I thank-you that He gave His life for us human beings  because you wanted to make a nation, a kingdom rather, of priests who are holy. 

I know, I confess, that we are not very holy at all.  We make many, many mistakes but the blood of Jesus Christ Your Son has cleansed us from all sin and has made us righteous in Your sight.   That is Your justification.  

Thank-You for Your Holy Spirit who leads and guides us into your holiness to bring out that Christ-likeness we so desperately need to emulate.    We are Your royal priests choosing to be sanctified into Your way of holy living that is pleasing in Your sight.  

So Father, we thank you and praise you for all these things.  I say all this in the Name of the Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ,


                                    ~ERC giving thanks and praise January 2020~

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