Sunday, January 26, 2020

Prayer - Mindful of Me, A Human Being

O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, how majestic is Your Name!  When we consider Your heavens and the glory of all those things You have made by Your own hands; how marvelous it is!  Even children can appreciate and lisp out the grandeur of what You have done for them in their songs, singing songs such as, "Jesus loves me,", showing the magnificence of Who You are and what You do and have done.

Think of all the stars You have put into place, they're so resplendent...majestic.  We love to look up at them.  Lord, it gives us a little gladsome picture of You; of Who You are and what You must look like and of Your greatness above all creation.  Then we realize, that as the Psalmist of Psalm 8, likely David, managed to utter, 

"What is man that You are mindful of him..." (vs 8 NIV)?

What makes You think of us?

Father, You have such a glorious, glorious creation out there under the immense expanse of bright blue sky;  the stars, the clouds; I like to behold the clouds and the different shapes that are formed and how they wisp and whisk across the sky or zoom across on windy days.  It's takes our breath away, makes us dumbfounded at the beauty and grandeur.  Yet You are mindful of Your human beings.  You are mindful, of us!

How can it be that we are the ones, out of all Your creation, that You loved.  Out of all the wonderful whales and dear dolphins that frolic in the deep blue sea; or the prodigious varieties of colorful and not so colorful birds; or the "magical" world of insects that some people really like but I find rather creepy for the most part...yet of all Your magnificent, magnificent creation, counting in critters like cute, cuddly koala bears, Lord, that are now in danger in Australia because of the wild bush fires; out of all this glorious creation which You have created, You still chose the human beings; the race of humans, upon whom to bestow Your love, to prove Your love....

It makes me feel like one of Your little, tiny ants; that is, from my perspective.  You know when we look at most species of ants, they are so small, like the teeny-tiny black one that bites so painfully and one may not even realize it's crawling on you until it bites...we feel so insignificant relative to the whole scope of the universe, yet You sent Your Son Jesus, The Divine Heavenly Being,  and crowned Him with Your glory and honor to live among mankind and to provide salvation for them.  

You even crowned Your human beings and made them to be the ruler over all Your creation!  How mind-blowing that is!  Human beings who make so many drastic mistakes causing some of Your creation to become endangered species or even extinct and make the ozone layer to become so thin and cause what people call, global warming.  (I know, some people debate whether there is such a thing as that, but I don't want to discuss that here.)

We make such terribly, awful mistakes; all the world wars and all the on-going wars.  We are so incorrigible, making astronomical messes of everything.  Nonetheless, You still...You STILL, are mindful of mankind....

Lord, it boggles our mind and we just have to humble ourselves before You, thanking and praising You for Your love.  We have no idea why You chose us, but You did.

All praise be to You, our Creator God.

You chose us over all Your incredible creatures that swim in the sea and the beasts of the fields, the birds of the air and the flocks and the herds that roam the earth:  the wildebeests, lions, gazelles; giraffes; the cattle on the thousand hills and the baby goats that kid around, jumping for joy...they are so wonderful and often amusing to watch; like the monkeys.  Nevertheless, you purposefully chose mankind.  Even David could not understand; likely also blew his mind, so all he could do in the end was to thank and praise You, Father!  

So do I.

You are an amazing God.  Again, I give you praise and thanks in the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ...

Thank-You for being mindful of me.

                                                         ~ERC  January 2020~

This prayer is based on Psalm 8 (NIV)

Lift up your hearts and sing praise to the One Who died for you.  Alas and Did My Savior Bleed...for such a worm (or ant) as I?

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