Friday, January 10, 2020

Prayer - The Judge of Judges

Father God, we rejoice and are glad in knowing You are the Judge of all the earth and You judge justly because You are a righteous God and Judge.  Earthly judges try to judge aright, I like to think.  However, they too are human beings, prone to faults just as much as the next fellow.  We just hope that the earthly judges one comes across are indeed of the more just and righteous caliber.

Father, we know that human kings, judges and others in positions of authority, that their...

"...hearts are a stream of water in the hand of the LORD; He turns it wherever He will..." (Proverbs 21:1 ESV).

Whenever one of us earthlings, finds him or her self up in front of a judge, Father, we can remember, that You have given that particular judge his or her authority, number 1; and number 2, that judge's heart is in Your Hands.  Thank-You Father, you can and do turn it whichever way You wish.  

You are on Your righteous child's side.  That gives the defendant room to ask You for wisdom for the judge in his judging  in any case and that he/she will judge aright.  The defendant can cry out to You, and does, often in anguish, Father, in the turmoil of a trial that makes furrows in the heart and soul.  We leave the verdict up to You.

It is not always what we want Father, but Your ways and thoughts are higher and bigger than any of ours.  You have the "bird's eye view" so to speak.  Help us to trust you.

Your Word says in Psalm 96:10 ESV, that,

"The LORD of all the earth reigns...He reigns and judges the peoples with equity." You judge in righteousness and in faithfulness (Psalm 96:13 ESV).

As Abraham of ancient times declared,

"...will not the Judge of all the earth do right" (Genesis 18:25 NIV)?

We can sing, 

"...great is the LORD and greatly to be praised" (Psalm 96:11 ESV).

We can be glad and rejoice because He is the One coming to straighten out the earth.  The cry of our hearts rings clear, "Come, Lord Jesus!"

All those earthly judges who innocently got their judgments inadvertently wrong, will get straightened out by the Judge of judges in time to come.  All those who judged out of self-interest, bribery, or fear will also be judged by The Judge.  This Judge will do right.

Rejoice and be glad.  Worship His Holy Name.

I praise You Father in the Name of Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

                                                 ~ERC  January 2020~

The above prayer is loosely based on Psalm 96.

God of Our Fathers as sung by Gaithers and Shane McConnell

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