Thursday, January 23, 2020

Chinese New Year's Festive Embrace

Chinese New Year is a time of joy, fun, firecrackers, food feasts and family reunions; a wondrous festive season for many.  It 's an "imperative must" (expression coined especially for this auspicious occasion) for family members, scattered far and wide, to do their absolute best to "get home" to the paternal residence for the celebrations.  This is similar as to how folks are compelled at Thanksgiving time or at Christmas to be with family.

Among all the merry-making are those lonely souls who haven't been able to "get home".  They didn't have the budget, or couldn't get off work or studies, or they just do not have family connection to return to.

In such cases the words of Jesus that could be applied to the situation ring in my mind.  Don't invite the rich who can repay you but, invite those poor, lame, crippled to join your feasts (Luke 13:12).  They may not be physically crippled, rather emotionally, or just feel down because they couldn't "get back" and need the good cheer as well as a good meal.

Followers of Jesus Christ are told to "practice hospitality" (Romans 12:13; Galatians 6:10).  Here is one grand occasion in which to practice and bring joy and encouragement to some homesick heart.

Indeed, my own sons are unable to celebrate with us this year.  However, they had not only one, but two, invitations from different church members to join them for one of the most important meals of CNY.  It's so important it is almost a sacred meal; the reunion dinner on CNY eve.

This is meant for the gathered immediate family only!  Yet that family circle (the one who asked first) opened up to embrace our sons, and perhaps others; I don't know.

To me, this is a wonderful example of engaging in God's way of doing things.  He would include those from "the north and south, east and west"; not just a select few (Luke 13:29).

Indeed, He offers His salvation to one and all.  When an individual accepts His love and invitation to salvation, there is great rejoicing in Heaven in the presence of the angels (Luke 15:7, 10) even over just one person who repented and got included.  Some day we followers of Jesus Christ will be at Jesus' wedding feast.

On the other hand, maybe you've wracked your brain considering whom you could ask to join the family circle but can't think of anyone.  Don't have a guilt trip over it if there's no "outsiders" to welcome.  Perhaps the Lord will bring them to your doorsteps instead.

May all my Chinese family and friends have a joyous CNY 2020!

                   Happy Chinese New Year!

                                                      ~ERC  January 2020~

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