Thursday, January 16, 2020

Prayer - Hearing Me In My Distress

O LORD, thank-You for hearing and answering me when I call to You.  You are my righteous God and You bring relief from life's distresses.   Be merciful to me and hear my prayer.  I thank-You that You actually do.  I ask that you be merciful too, to those who especially need it  in times of trial and troubles.  We all know family or friends under duress, be merciful to them and even those whom we do not know, but You do.  They need You; they need You every hour of every day.  

How long, will men turn their glory into shame?  How long will they have delusions and seek false gods?  Lord, how long will family, friends and acquaintances seek their false gods?   Lord, breakthrough their defenses, break them down to see the falseness of kowtowing to images having eyes that cannot see, ears that cannot hear, mouths that cannot speak, hands that cannot work, and feet that cannot walk   Help them to see this delusion. Let them seek You instead with their whole hearts, souls and minds.  Break down all their resistance, Father, to You and Your Son Jesus.  Let them know that then they will be set apart for godly use, they, themselves, for You, Lord, and have a wonderful relationship of communing with You.  Let them understand that You will hear when they call because You have ears that can hear and they are always open to their cry. 

I know that I often get angry and that I do sin when I am angry.  Lord, help me that when I'm angry I will do what is right, that I will seek You and how to handle situations; even spur-of-the-moment ones.   May Your Holy Spirit convict me and may I listen. I know Your Holy Spirit is already indwelling me but may I be sensitive to Your Holy Spirit's prompting and  putting up of roadblocks, and stop signs to sinning when I'm angry.  Lord, help me to search my heart even at night when I'm awake and can't sleep and that I will be silent in Your presence because You are the One Who does right.  

You are the God of all wisdom and knowledge and understanding.  Many times, so many, many times I get so angry and I don't search my heart to learn Your will.   I know Jesus was angry at the merchants who were buying and selling and cheating in the temple place that was Your house of prayer.  They were making it into a marketplace and not allowing people from all nations to go and worship you in the area designated particularly for them.  Lord you had a place for people to worship You, it was not just for the Jewish people alone.

 Perhaps, they were jealous and they didn't care less about people from other places.  In fact, they were probably downright determined not to let others come and so called, defile, Your holy house.   At that time Lord, those who really and truly wanted to come and genuinely worship You and bow down before You, recognizing You as the One true God, they could not.  So it's no wonder Jesus got angry and drove them all out of Your Father's house.  

You upset all the money changers tables, and money...hee, hee, it must have been kind of funny to see all that money go rolling and all the men go scrambling after their coins...You do have a sense of humor, Father.  I'm sure they must have been furious!  The men wanted to know by what authority Jesus could do such a thing.  Of course, Father, it was by Your authority.  They knew right, they knew very well that they were wrong and Jesus was right.  They knew in their heart of hearts that what they were doing was wrong. They didn't search their hearts Father, but Lord I don't want to judge other people.  

People often have this habit of doing such a thing.  Help me to search my own heart, to judge my own heart and mind in Your presence because there is where the rubber hits the road.  Help me to deal with my anger issues Lord.  It is not righteous anger like Your Son Jesus' anger was.  I need you, I need you every hour so that I can then offer right sacrifices to You.  

Father, I trust in You, never let me be afraid. May my family members also offer right sacrifices to You; sacrifices of praise and worship.  Do we work for You, Lord?  We will all do it with the right sacrifices of our life.  We'll do so for Your glory and honor and to benefit Your kingdom.  Let us all be God-centered sacrifices giving right sacrifices.  

Father, in this world of disillusionment and skeptics all around, may I ask who...who...who

can show us any good?  

We know You, the righteous God, are the one and truly good Being, ever in our existence.  We know You have existed from eternity past and continue to eternity to come.  There is no beginning and no ending but You are our Alpha and Omega and You are the one who is good and Your son Jesus Christ Whom You have sent.  We begin with You and You graciously and mercifully will bring the followers of Jesus to You and into eternity ahead at the end of our time on earth.  

Father You are so good, I ask that the Light of Your face will shine upon us, like You did for Moses.  You shone, You let Him see Your glory, O Lord, as You passed by.  Let us see Your glory too because You are the righteous one and You have made us righteous through Jesus Christ our Savior.  Fill our hearts with joy in greater measures of joy than we ever knew.  We know when Jesus came to earth, He brought joy to the heart of the shepherds.  He brought joy to the hearts of Mary and Joseph and to the wise men.  I don't know how many others became joyful because of what You have done for them in bringing salvation to many multitudes thereafter.   You caused their grain and new wine to abound, spiritually, and perhaps even physically, in their lives.   

You are a merciful God, and You turn our shame to glory and You help us Lord to be godly through Your Holy Spirit's help.  You hear us when we call.  Lord, we can trust therefore, can trust and confide in You also because You are good.  We can have our confidence in You and be filled with joy and peace so that when we go to bed at night we can lie down and sleep in peace because you alone, oh Lord, make us to dwell in safety.  

Even those who are persecuted for their faith in You and Jesus Christ, who live in constant fear for their lives, they can have peace in their hearts and minds.  I don't know how they do it and they have courage too, Lord.  No doubt it's through Your wondrous almighty power in them giving them the strength to have joy; that joy of the Lord that truly is their strength. 

 I want that kind of joy, joy that comes from You and Your strength.  

Thank-You Father for hearing me.  I thank and praise You in the Name of Jesus and by the power of Jesus' blood.

                                                      ~ERC  January 2020~

Prayer based on Psalm 4

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