Saturday, January 25, 2020

Lord's Day Devotion - Devotional Prayer - Crown the Year With Songs of Joy

Good Morning, Lord!   

Praise awaits You this morning as we look to meet together.  Your followers, the followers of Jesus Christ Your Son, look forward to meeting together to sing praises to You among all the peoples who will congregate, singing of the things You have done for us by sending Jesus to earth to die on the cross for us, atoning for our sins. 

Indeed, You have blessed us with life and fill us with good things from Your holiness and You have done many awesome deeds of righteousness in so many people; our God, our Savior.  You are the hope of all the ends of the earth from the farthest of seas, stretching right around the world.  You are the One Who formed the mountains by Your mighty power and it is by Your strength that we can sing songs of joy to You.  When the morning dawns and the evening fades we can sing songs of joy because of You.  Our joy comes from Your strength in us. 

You care about us and have blessed us richly, abundantly providing us with food and shelter.  You continue to make the rains come and the sun to shine so we can bring forth crops in their seasons and You crown the year with Your goodness.  We just started a new year a couple of weeks ago and are currently celebrating the Chinese Lunar New Year; you crown this year with your bounty, not just with physical food, but spiritual sustenance.  

You have given us Your Word, the Bible, at least in the English language, and many different languages  around the world where your people, linguists, have translated Your Word into the languages of so many people groups.  We thank you so much for this bounty you have given to so many people.  I know there are still many people groups yet to be reached with Your Word but Father, we thank You for those who have Your Word in their hands; may they treasure it.  

We pray that there would be harvesters sent in to those unreached areas to bring them Your Word in their own mother tongue.  May those harvesters be plenty in these end times and that the grasslands and deserts of the hearts will overflow with Your Words like streams of living water flowing through them and they'll be embraced by Your loving kindness, Your mercy, Your steadfast love.  Let them know these things Lord.  Even as they view your creation; the magnificent, breathtaking awesomeness of Your creation let them acknowledged that you exist, oh Father, that there must be a Supreme Being, a Creator God, Who is You, and to Whom they will worship.  Make Yourself known to them through Your Words Father, who You are so that they too can shout for joy and sing of your love forever.  

I ask this in Jesus' most precious Name as we partake of and share among Your people, the bread and cup of wine, on this Lord's Day, in remembrance of what You accomplished for us through Jesus Christ; we praise You.  


                                                           ~ERC  January 2020~

Prayer based on Psalm 65

You Crown the Year (Psalm 65) as sung by Hillsong singers

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