Saturday, March 26, 2016

Morning Musngs-Learning From Example

   Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Both letters to the Thessalonians were written not only by Paul but by Silas and Timothy as well.  

 This could establish that criteria of "let every word be established by two or three witnesses" seen in old Old Testament law (Deuteronomy 19:15-21)  and that also found its way into honorable mention in the New Testament,  by Jesus Himself (Matthew 18:16).  Paul also quotes it in 2 Corinthians 13:1. So you will see in most of Paul's epistles that he is not the sole writer/sender and if not, then he claims Jesus as his authority for so writing.

 Paul was a good mentor and role model for these young men in their training of righteousness and devotion and service to God.  They often had traveled with Paul on his journeyings and had benefited greatly from hearing all his preaching and teaching along the way; definitely hands-on experience.

  In this first epistle written to the Thessalonians we see that Paul commends them for their work that came from their faith; for their labor which was out of love and for their endurance produced by their hope in Jesus Christ.   They had learned well from Paul and his example in spite of the great suffering they were having to endure.  It was a pleasure for him to see their work and obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ.  They had become a model even for others to emulate...whose faith we too can follow.

It would be good for us too, to be like this:  grow in our spiritual life and relationship with God the Father; serving Him as a direct result of that growth, realizing His love and care for us; and serving Him by faith, love and hope with endurance.

 The Thessalonians had turned from idols to serve the living and true God.  We know in ourselves what are our real priorities: what/whom we actually serve.  When we search our hearts and minds, inviting even God to search with us, we can be open and honest with Him and so repent and confess to God Who is ever willing and waiting to forgive in the name of Jesus Christ.

Then that 'hope' we expect--Jesus' return for us to rescue us from coming wrath; to be with Him forever.  This is a wonderful goal on which to focus.  But we must wait (1 Thess 1:10) for this thus the endurance and patience needed.

As we wait and hope and trust, let us learn from others' good examples of following Christ and of their faith in Him.  We, in turn, can then be role models for our peers and for the next generation; taking up that baton, as Paul did, mentoring and training others in God's will and ways and service, til Jesus comes. 

                                                                 ~ERC  2016~

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