Friday, March 25, 2016

Morning Musings-Endurance

  Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Read the book of Colossians.

Endurance and steadfastness are needed for the storms and earthquakes that come into our lives.  Maybe life is pretty good for you at present but these things will come.  Knowing they will come is a help but when they do come they can still be devastating.  For instance, the sickness and/or death of a child or even of a good friend.  How will you react?  Cling onto Jesus firmly, especially His Word and ever more closely in your relationship with Him.

Grow in the Christian life in relationship with God in persistent priority.

Let the peace of Christ rule in our thankful.  Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly...give thanks unto Him. 

Christ dwells in us through the Holy Spirit of God.  Let Him help you understand God's Word as you read it and obey it.  These Words and the Holy Spirit can and will give you the strength needed to weather those storms of life; those trials and tribulations that will come.  Let Him be your help, guide and anchor.  Anchor your soul in Jesus.

When teaching the Word of God, the teacher must let God's Word dwell in him or her first and allow His Word sustained dwelling.  Don't just read but memorize and meditate upon it.

Over all, give thanks to God the Father through Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior.  This will help you endure for the long run of life.

                                                              ~ERC   2016~

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