Wednesday, March 16, 2016

All Kinds of Flags

               This posting has been adapted from a talk given to primary/elementary school-aged children.


Every country has their own flag, national flower, national anthem and more.  Each country has people who act and behave somewhat differently compared to those in the next country.  They have their respective languages, for the most part; foods, traditional clothing, and again, etc; different strokes for different folks.

When a student represents his or her school in badminton or basketball or in any other way, they will behave according to their school rules when they go to competitions elsewhere.  They have their own school badge and/or uniform.   So they must look and act in a certain way to show the pride and dignity of that particular school and not do anything to bring disrepute to their school.

This is a similar idea per country.

So now I ask, how does this relate to Christians?  Where do they come from?

Simple answer.  They come from Jesus Christ.  They belong to Him and God through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the acceptance of the salvation He offers to each and every human being.

Where does Jesus live now?


 Does Heaven have any flags? 


If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, you are a "flag" for Jesus.
A follower of Jesus Christ is a called a Christian.  A Christian has many little 'flags' they must acquire and together transform into a very big flag for Jesus.
How can that be?

Christians come from so many different countries around the world.  Just as the various people in different countries act/speak/dress accordingly, a person who is a Christian, should also be characterized by Heaven's culture.  We should all look alike!  What do you think of that?!  Each and every Christian should look alike.  

By what should we be characterized?  For starters, we should all be characterized by the fruit of the Holy Spirit; when we are, as individuals, we are a 'flag' for Jesus.  Collectively, when each Christian is characterized thus, then, wow, we can be a united force for Christ, and wave our 'flag' for Him.  That would be known as being 'one in Christ'.  

There's a song that goes something like:  "We are one in the bond of love...we join our spirit with the Spirit of God...we are one in the bond of love".  This brings me to the first 'flag' of the fruit of the Spirit I want to talk about and that should be a distinguishing mark of a Christian.  That is the 'flag' of God's LOVE.

When we exercise His love through the Holy Spirit's enabling, we will be able to pray for:  help to forgive another who mistreats us; we will be able to befriend people no matter what they look like or where they are from.  With God's love we will be able to go the extra mile for someone in need.  When we do for others out of love for God what others may not do, we show the love of God; especially when we do it for our brothers and sisters-in-Christ.  By this all men will know that we are Jesus' disciples (John 13:34, 35)

God's JOY.  Joy on our faces...not a sour face. Joy not from getting a new gadget or toy but because we have Jesus in our hearts.  Exams or other troubles might give us stress and worry but we can pray and leave these things in God's hands, asking Him to take away the worry.  Focus on Jesus and let the joy of Jesus still be on our countenances.  

Is joy the flag flown high from the castle of your heart?  Through God's Holy Spirit it can be.

God's PEACE.  Don't pick fights.  Do turn the other cheek.  When bad things happen to us, pray and tell Jesus.  Ask for His peace in our hearts.  When we have the peace of God then the joy of God will glow on our faces and in our lives as well.

If a student has studied well for an examination or a test, and then he or she asks God for help in writing it, the peace of God can fill his or her heart.  He or she can sing, "I've got peace like a river in my soul..."

God's PATIENCE.  Jesus has been very patient with people...He's waited all these many years, about 2016 (the year I'm typing this), for people to become His followers.  He waits sooooooo long because He doesn't want anyone to go to hell.  He is coming soon though so we need to tell people about Jesus and all this fruit of the Holy Spirit they can have too. 

If Jesus can be patient for sooooooo long, then we, His followers, should learn to be more patient too.  After all, we are supposed to follow His example.

God's KINDNESS.  Jesus was very kind to children, in fact He said,

 "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them..."  (Mark 10:14)

What can we do to be kind to others?

If a classmate looks sad...say a kind word; give them a sweet or a hug if they'll let ya.  Try to find out why they're sad but don't make a pest for yourself.  If you see that a person regularly doesn't have lunch at school or in the office and it's not because they are on a diet, maybe you could share yours?

There will be times when other children or adults won't be kind to you.  Try to find ways to be kind to them anyway.  This can show the others you belong to Jesus.  They might ask, "Why are you being so kind to me?  I'm not kind to you."  You can reply, "Because I belong to Jesus.  I love Him and want to make Him happy."  This will be showing your "kindness flag". 

Proverbs 16:24 says,

 "KIND WORDS are like honey, sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

God's GOODNESS.  The goodness flag is almost like the kindness flag...we can do good deeds for others but also must behave ourselves well.  
There are people who are very poor and so we can help them in many ways.  Giving of food, clothing, shelter and telling the message of Jesus.  Maybe can give free glasses or hair shampoo.  Be alert and aware of peoples' needs and try to provide for them when they are truly in need.

Jesus wants us to do good to all people in His Name.  That is showing your "goodness flag" and obedience to Him.  Giving our tithes and offerings on Sundays can also be used to help others.  

We can be kind and good to greet newcomers into our fellowship groups.  To go out of our comfort zones to be a welcoming friend. 

God's FAITHFULNESS.  Keep following Jesus no matter what from young til old age.  Don't give up worshiping and serving God.  When you make a promise to someone you must be sure to keep that promise.  Coming to church and/or Sunday school every week is being faithful.  

If your parents or a boss ask you to do a job at home or in the office, you must do it and do it and do it until the job is done.  That is being faithful.

There are a number of examples of people who have been faithful for God.  One is my very good friend named Hope.  She was a nurse who served God for many years in SEA.  She later became a linguist and translated God's Word into one of the tribal languages of SEA.  That took years and years and years.

It was a big, long process of having to learn the language of those people.  Their legends and culture and traditions.  Their idioms and all those things.  That took ages, years, to master. Then the actual task of translating could begin.  Many of the people had to be consulted and then language consultants and my oh my, it was slow but sure work and after about 20 years, practically a lifetime, then a finished result.

There were many difficulties throughout all those years but she held in there out of her love for God and for the people.  In all this my friend cultivated God's faithfulness in her life.  She was a beautiful person.  She is with God now and I sincerely believe He said to her upon her arrival in Heaven, "Well done, good and faithful servant."

There have been other such people who stuck it out for God such as Hudson Taylor, Amy Carmichael and Lottie Moon among others.  Many missionaries are away from their family, friends, and culture for years and years and years.  Sunday school teachers, too...some for many years from the time before they were married and had children until the time their children have grown up and moved away from home and yet they continue on for Jesus.  This is great faithfulness.  Will this also characterize you, my fellow believer?

What can you do now?  Look around and see.  Write to a missionary to encourage them to remain faithful to the Lord.  You can pray for them every day.  You can pray and ask God if He wants YOU to go out as a missionary or preacher or Sunday school teacher, or whatever, in service to Him.  Start by being faithful at home, in school, at work, with your parents, with your family and with your church family.

God's GENTLENESS.  Learn to speak softly.  Learn to act softly even with people who aren't.  Give soft answers to people who speak loudly and angrily to you.  

Proverbs 15:1 states,

 "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."


If you are at school and you accidentally knock your classmate's water bottle off his desk and the water spills all over the floor and he shouts at you, "You stupid, clumsy fellow, why did you do that?!?"   What should you answer?  "Oh shut up?!"  And then knock his stack of books off onto the floor into the puddle of spilled water?  OR  "I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to do that.  Here, let me help you clean it up."  Of course the second one would be the best answer and action.  That would show God's gentleness.

Linked to that would also be....

God's SELF-CONTROL.  Gotten, of course, through the Holy Spirit's convicting and help.

Keep yourself from getting angry.  Don't hit/hurt.  Don't say unkind words.  Pray.  "God I feel angry.  Please help me NOT to sin, not to hit back or shout."   "Help me not to take that excessive amount of food even though I'm hungry and looooooooooooove to eat, and could eat."   "Help me not to be greedy for $$ but to use $$ wisely.  To not let it master me...."  We have God's Holy Spirit, one of the characteristics of His fruit is self-control.  Exercise it with His help.

So all these nine flags...this is what we Christians should 'look' like.  All followers of Jesus Christ have these 'flags' because we have the Holy Spirit in us. We each have the responsibility to exercise these in our lives; to be strong and stable in them.  The more we use them the more they will be evident in us and radiate out to others.  Jesus died and rose again and went back to Heaven.  He sent the Holy Spirit to live in the followers of Jesus.  He helps us to be more like Jesus.

Remembering these 'flags' will help to build your life and God's church by bringing others to Jesus.  If you are good, kind, and gentle to others they may want to belong to Jesus too; that builds the Church and helps keep the unity of the Spirit. 

Tell friends and other family members about these 'flags'; they can have them too.

Jesus is a friend to all, the big ones and the small, so goes a song.  We need to build our life on Jesus Christ and the Word of God, the Bible.  Let us bring dignity to us as people of God and glory to God Himself.  Make a good report. Start today.  Wave your true 'flag' colors.

                                                              ~ERC   2016~

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