Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Morning Musings-"Oh Bother, Must I Go To Church?!"

Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

 Some Christians might wonder what the point of going to church is or in serving in diverse areas within the church. Ephesians 4:7-16 gives some reasons.  Look at verse 11.  God gave His Church various people of varying characters and abilities:  "apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers; "for what purpose?  "To prepare God's people for works of service..."  Serve others so others can serve, "so that the body of Christ may be: 1. built up and we all reach unity in the faith and 2. in the knowledge of the Son of God and 3. become mature in "attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ."  God loves to have us work with Him.  He is ever gracious.

So if and when we get weary of going to church, weary of serving in the ministries and it feels like there is no point to it all, go back to the reasons for serving in the first place.  Sometimes we do have to remind ourselves of these things.  We are serving our Lord and Master by serving His people.  Don't quit when the going gets tough; persevere.  This is building our character in this area.

If a person feels he or she has attained the noble goal of that "whole measure and fullness of Christ" and therefore no longer needs to mix with other believers, that brother or sister needs to get back into God's presence and God's Word and re-examine themselves.  We are put with God's people to USE our gifts, abilities and skills for the benefit of the whole so that all may reach God's desired whole maturity.

A strand of pearl beads is beautiful and useful to adorn its owner  A lone bead may be exquisite but not very useful.  Put it with many of its kind and unite them with a string and what have you got?!  Astounding beauty.  (Yes, my sons, you aren't into jewelry much, but believe it.)

The Holy Spirit does His uniting work, we need to be willing to allow "the string" to be threaded through us to lend our hue to the whole.  Let us be malleable in God's hands who "joins and holds us together by every supporting ligament until we can all, together, grow and build the church up in love, as each of us do our part."  By God's grace let us embrace this mission in partnership with Him.

In line with the "attaining maturity" bit, see 2 Peter 1 :3-11.  If we've gone through that process, once, twice, three times--don't think "that's enough", I've reached my peak of maturity in Christ.  We need to reach that fullness and wholeness we have in Him.  Have we really arrived?!  Preposterous!  Keep at it, my sons and brothers and sisters in Christ, til Christ comes for us; we'll never be fully complete in Him otherwise til then.

Perseverance is one of those qualities we are to attain so there is a point in continuing attending church and in serving even if it is to only attain to it in ever increasing measure.

It is interesting to see the children of Israel were to give tithes and offerings so the Levites, who were not supposed to do "regular work" of ploughing fields and planting crops, etc, could be clothed and fed.  The other tribes supported the ministering Levites who in turn supported Aaron and sons (the priesthood), who in turn supported Moses who in turn listened to and obeyed God and gave God's instructions to the whole nation.

We, as Christians, are a royal priesthood for God.  In Numbers 18:5-7, the Lord God told the Israelites that the Levites were a gift from Him to help Aaron and sons with the Tabernacle.  Aaron and sons were also given the gift of the priesthood.  They in turn supported Moses, as mentioned earlier.

God the Father also ordained us (Ephesians 2:10; 1 Timothy 6:18; Titus 2:14; Titus 3:8, 14; Hebrews 10:24) to good works and made us a "royal priesthood" (1 Peter 2:9).  Normally people are either royal or a priest--not both but God goes the whole way and combines both as a "gift" to us, His sons and daughters.  Isn't it a privilege (besides the responsibility) to serve Him, to  persevere in that service whether we personally feel its "worth it" or not?

Whether we are in the first position, so to speak, or in  a supporting ministry, both are necessary.  We are not autonomous.  God has given us each other to function together, could we say, as a gift to each other?!  Yes, we are needed and our service is "worth it" for one and all, but especially to God.  Sooooo,  yes, do go to church, you are needed and He's waiting for you there!

Some additional Scriptures worth looking up:  Ecclesiastes 4:9-10; 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 and Hebrews 10:24-25.   

May we each "grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." 
(2 Peter 3:18)

                                                          ~ERC  2016~

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