Saturday, March 19, 2016

Morning Musings-All Rubbish

   Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

All those certificates, all those trophies of top merit, Paul considered loss and rubbish in comparison with what he had in Christ.  (Philippians 3:1-11)  Paul had a magnificent pedigree, so to speak, but he preferred to focus on 

 "the faith and righteousness he had in Christ and through Christ; to know Christ and the power of His resurrection; fellowship in sharing in His sufferings."

Paul was in prison when he was writing these words.  He told the Philippians to "rejoice in the Lord".  That was his, and to be their, focus over and above and despite the sufferings.

This can tell us, too, to put no confidence in our achievements and merits but in Jesus Christ, first and foremost.  Paul actually had reasons to boast, his being an exemplary Hebrew, zealous in all their laws.  He had an impeccable education; but he considered all as rubbish.  The benefits and accolades he'd earned from fellow men must have been, and could have continued to be, prestigious.  No doubt his education did help him in his Christian life to get a grasp of the "new testament" and what impact of life in Jesus Christ brought so that he could then be that "apostle born out of time" to preach and teach and write as he did.

Our accumulated upbringing:  all we've learned, experienced and accomplished over the years is that molding and forming to be that person whom God wants us to be.  To be able to use our life to praise God and extend His love, grace and forgiveness to others in our own God-given unique way.  Use what we know.  Use what we have.  Use for His glory and honor even in face of trials brought upon us by others.  Overall, rejoice and ponder on what Jesus Christ has done for you as Paul did.  Otherwise consider it all rubbish.  To God be the glory.

                                                                       ~ERC  2016~

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