Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Morning Musings-More Enduring

   Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

The apostle Paul continues to be concerned about 'his children' as we read in 1 Thessalonians 2:17-20 and 3:1-13.  He wanted then to continue to endure through all the persecution they were going through.  He prayed that they would endure and not be tempted to turn aside, away from following Jesus, due to their very dangerous times they were living in.  He was encouraged therefore that when he had sent Timothy to see them on his and Silas' behalf, Timothy found them "standing firm in the Lord".  They rejoiced and thanked God for their "enduring" the onslaughts.

Despite this, Paul does give them an exhortation (vs13) to be blameless and holy in God the Father's presence; praying they're endurance would endure til the Lord Jesus comes with all His holy ones. 

I pray this for you, too, my sons.  I ask our heavenly Father, God, that your faith in Jesus Christ and God the Father will endure til Jesus calls us to be with Him in Heaven.  I ask...

1.  That you will not have to endure much persecution 
2.  That you will not be lured by the world nor
3.  The pleasures of sin nor

4.  Give in to peer pressure due to wanting to "fit in"  so diluting your faith and/or turning away from following after Jesus and His will and ways for your life.  I ask that the Holy Spirit and God's Word will ever hold you all true and steady for your, Father, God.

5.  True and steady through thick and thin; through those trials and tribulations; that they will steer a firm course toward God so that you too will be blameless and holy and steadfast from now til Jesus comes.  That you will live in the fear of God.

6.  May you, my sons, store up treasures in Heaven for God.  Let your love for Jesus radiate out to others and so bring "many sons to glory" through your acts of love and mercy.  May many turn to Christ and salvation through Jesus because of you; because of your  "fitness to be used" by God. 

All of these, I hope and pray that anyone reading this will also be kept "fit for the Master's use" and serve Him with your whole heart, soul, strength and mind.   Endure, endure, endure.  May one and all "stand firm in the Lord".

I ask all of the above in Jesus's Name. 

"May your anchor hold in the storms of life..." as the song by Priscilla Jane Owns goes.  Anchor your soul in Jesus.

                                                                       ~ERC  2016~

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