Saturday, March 19, 2016

Morning Musings-Shine Like Stars

   Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

In conjunction with reading Philippians 2:12-18, here are some of my thoughts. 

All the efforts of our teachers (those who teach/taught us God's Word):   parents, Sunday School teachers, Youth Fellowship leaders, brothers-in-Christ in the pulpit, sisters at morning coffee--let them not be in vain.  They work hard for Jesus.  Learn from them and obey God's Word; let it and the Holy Spirit lead and guide your life as you continue from whatever age you are at presently, until the day God calls you Home to be with Him.

Continue to be "perfected"; sanctified and useful for God's service too.  Grow to be ever more a "blameless and pure child of God".  In so doing you'll give joy to all your spiritual teachers and most importantly, glory to God our Father, Himself.

For example, I'm thankful for all those who taught me God's Word along the years of my life.  One must start with naming my parents.  All those years and years of faithful teaching from God's Word, and obeying it themselves.  I may not have appreciated it all back then but I sure do now and I'm very grateful and thankful for them.

Then a Mrs. Gorgas, who is with the Lord but who remained faithful to Him into her old age, was my very first Sunday School teacher ever.  I remember her kindness and she gave me my first New Testament which I still have to this day.  She not only taught God's Word but she lived it.

Another notable Sunday School teacher, was  Miss Nickerson, who has also gone to her reward "with Christ".  These two really made things interesting and fun, yet also made you think and be convicted.

A Mr. N. Berry and all the many speakers and preachers that came yearly to the Gospel Tent I went to every summer of my early life all gave so much input.  There was a Mr. Kaiser who once set things on fire; blackened my face with soot in front of everyone (can't exactly recall the message in that object lesson he was making and in which it took me years to forgive him); and who once gave me a fireman's hat as a birthday present (something I also still have), all faithfully allowed the Lord to use them for telling forth the message of Jesus.  All were good examples to me throughout the years of my life and most of them remained faithful to the Lord until He took them Home to Heaven to be with Him.  (Some are still with us on earth at this writing and still following in Jesus' steps.)

Others, a Mr. J. Burke and a Mr. J. Dods....God's very faithful servants doing His bidding.  I praise and thank the Lord for them all.  They shine like stars...may I too ever be found to follow their examples of faith and service and continue to be willing to act according to God's good purpose.  All glory be to God.

Two examples from Scripture, in Philippians 2:19-29,  are Timothy and Epaphroditus .  These two faithfully and sacrificially taught and served others  with genuine interest even in the face of personal risk.  John 13:34, 35 shows that we are to love one another even as Jesus did.  These two brothers certainly followed Jesus' example proving that they were definitely Jesus' disciples.  Praise the Lord for them!

                                                                ~ERC  2016~

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