Friday, March 18, 2016

Morning Musings-Standing Firm, Together

  Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Read Philippians 2:1-11

Previous verses to these talk about having courage and of being "in one spirit, contending as one man" to stand firm in their faith despite the persecution they were enduring.  With this unity in Christ, (2:1-4), Paul asks if any of them are encouraged by this and if they have tenderness and compassion.  Paul continues on to ask them to give him further joy by not being selfish, instead, to consider others better than themselves, and, besides their own interests, to look out for the interests of others.

To what degree should they do this?  Verses 5-8 give the ultimate standard; the example of Jesus Christ Himself.  The attitude that Jesus took was that of a servant:  humble, lowly, obedient even in the direst situation--death on the cross.  Persecution was no excuse to run fearfully away to hide.  It was opportunity to stand firm courageously, together in unity, and to look out for each other.  This was their chance to confess Jesus as Lord and to confess His name on their tongue so as to give God their Heavenly Father the glory due to His Name. 

Naturally this doesn't sound like an easy thing for us.  Neither was it for them.  How would we act in a similar situation?  Not sure, but I hope I would stand firm, together with other brothers and sisters in Christ, by God's grace.  Amen!

                                                                 ~ERC  2016~

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