Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Morning Musings-Stand Firm and Press On...

   Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Read Philippians 3:12-21 and Philippians 4

Paul realizes he's not complete, not perfect yet, but he is pressing on to attain that maturity all of us followers of Jesus Christ can have in Him.  That maturity meaning, for us to become more like Jesus.  This is the purpose for which Christ "took hold" of us.

This is the encouragement, the admonishment Paul urges on the Philippians as well.  Even if we think differently on some points than the next brother or sister, God will eventually make all clear to us in our own minds if we have willing hearts.  They and we, despite the differences, are called on to continue to press on to live up to what we have already attained in our maturity markers.

Come aside a bit and join Paul and Barnabas on their missionary journey the time they took the younger chap named John Mark.  John Mark, as it turned out, wasn't quite ready for that.  His maturity wasn't quite there.  You can read about this in the book of Acts and then on the next journey Paul didn't want to take him along. (Acts 15:36-38).  However much later, in another letter, Paul makes kindly mention of John Mark, that he was useful.  So he'd had time to mature.  Whatever the issue, John Mark overcame, pressed on, and matured into usefulness for the sake of the gospel; that message of Jesus.  (Colossians 4:10)

 Hold fast to the point of maturity we have reached without digressing.  Then move along in our growth.  As we know more of Christ and obey His word we slowly but surely transform to be more like Jesus and for His glory.  Our goal, and focus, being that maturity and to see our Lord Jesus Christ face to face in Heaven where our true 'in-Christ' citizenship resides.

Paul elaborates further on maturing and standing firm in Christ.  Stand firm by living up to what one has already attained in maturity and perfection in Christ.  We press on by continuing that process, that sanctification transformation of being ever more "like Christ"--aiming for that holiness and blamelessness--to be holy as He, our God and Father, is holy.  Doing all this with joy and rejoicing; "rejoice in the Lord always".

We stand firm by:  rejoicing in the Lord always; by prayer; speaking to God, communing with God  in prayer and by petition and with thanksgiving.  In so doing the peace of God will keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Our thoughts, as they dwell on the noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy things and put them into practice, will, again, stay our hearts and minds and give courage to stand firm in the face of trials, tribulations and persecutions with the joy and peace of God on our hearts and faces.  I thank God for all His wonderful blessings we have in His Son Jesus Christ.

May you all stand firm and press on....

                                                                    ~ERC  2016~

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