Saturday, June 8, 2024

Walking With Truth


She sat on the steps at the park.  Before her was a large manmade lake that was home to some God-made fish and turtles.  She looked out over the water.  A soft breeze caressed her face and a feeling of peacefulness enshrouded her.

She'd brought some breadcrumbs and began to idly throw pieces into the water in hopes of attracting some fish.  Ironically, what those actions did attract was a white egret that came and stood on the step below where she sat.  His feet were in the water.  She could have reached out and touched it but didn't quite dare to follow through with that.  It was best to respect nature even if nature dared to encroach.

Mr. Egrit stood like a statue.  The lady thought it was waiting for some more breadcrumb offerings so threw some its way.  It ignored them but intently watched the water in patient expectancy.  Oh, the lady realized it now but not then.

It took awhile but the fish did  come and in a blurred flash, the egrit snatched that unsuspecting fish right out of the water and gulped it down.

The lady could see the swallow progress right down Mr. Egrit's neck, as if it had broken off more than he could chew - so to speak.  Ahem.  

The lady was stunned.  Never did it cross her mind in these minutes and seconds from breadcrumb drop, to fish appearing to the egrit snatching up the poor fish, that that was what Mr. Egrit had been wading and waiting for all along.  The speed of it all happening rather shocked her and she got upset with Mr. Egret.  What a cruel thief!

He was there under false pretenses.  At least that's what she claimed.  Mr. Egrit had known exactly what he was about and didn't make any apologies, polite or otherwise.

Then she perceived Jesus' presence.  He was out walking on the water again.  He had witnessed her drama with Mr. Egrit and He was laughing in amusement, but not in a mean way.  

Since she couldn't go to Him, He came to her.  After all she'd invited Him to join her.  So He sat beside her on the steps and put His hand on her shoulder in a comforting, reassuring way.  He knew what she was thinking about and gave her the words, false pretenses.  She knew exactly what He was getting at too.

Through no fault of her own, she'd lived much of her life heretofore, like that.  She'd been schooled in it and had become a proficient actress.  "Behave in this proper manner so as not to stumble others nor bring shame to the Lord or to us".  She could hear the words in her head like it was only yesterday.  So she became the best Miss Goody-Two-Shoes that had ever lived.  Oh at least on the outside.

Inside was a whole different kettle of fish.  Rebellious thoughts, wanting to do some damage, like a volcano on the brink of eruption - anger and rage awaited spewing.  All had been suppressed for far too long.

Only in more recent months she'd realized what a fraudulent life she'd been living and had begun to address it.  It hurt then when someone close to her called her a hypocrite.  Oh she became furious and shunned the whistleblower.

As some time passed she did examine herself some more and realized even though he meant it to hurt and put her down and not really listen to her life, he did have a point.

Then, as Jesus sat beside her, hand on her shoulder, He spoke, "I understand.  I was once accused of being a fraud too.  I was mocked.  I understand your deeply hurt feelings".

So she asked Him, "Do You have any plan to help me heal and to overcome the actress modus operandi?"

He responded, "I am Truth.  Know the Truth and the Truth will set you free."  Then He added, "I'll walk with you" (see John 8:32).

It was all so reassuring and she looked forward to this walk with Truth, in greater truth.  Having a spark of hope, she got up and went home, Jesus joining her.

                                                    ~ERC  May 2024 ~

Based on I A Session #5.

Sing, Walking With Jesus, along with God Still Loves.

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