Wednesday, June 12, 2024

On the Rocks With Jesus


Being by the ocean or sea is a happy place for the lady.  That day she found herself in Kudat, at the Tip of Borneo.  Hopping from rock to rock,  fleet of foot, careful not to slip on seaweed and mindful of splashing waves, she felt her homesickness almost slip away.

It reminded her of Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia (NS), Canada, although this was a much calmer version to be sure.  She loved the NS rocks especially after a storm where the waves still spoke loud and clear with great satisfying slaps and geyser like spray and splash.

Anyway she found a rock and had a seat.  She sat.  Then she sat and thought.  Then she prayed and invited Jesus to allow her to perceive His presence with her.

He stood there then, above her, up on a cliff, looking at her, watching, taking in the scene. His robe shimmerd Northern Lights, emerald green, in the sunlight.  It was awesome.

She asked, "Can you come closer?"

So He came and squatted on a nearby rock and scratched at it, absentmindedly, with a small stone.  He looked over at her.

"Why are you scratching the rock, Jesus?' the lady asked.

He just smiled but didn't say anything.

The lady thought, He is just showing me His humanity.  He's like an ordinary man doing natural human actions.  It felt comforting to have Him there doing that.

He was just hanging out with her, keeping her company even though her sons, husband and friends were up above.

Again she asked, "Lord what do you want me to know today?"

Well, she was actually a bit afraid to ask but felt she needed to because she was given something to do that is scary to do.  "I'm scared," she told Him.

He steadily looked at her then from His rock where He had finally sat down, dangling his legs, resting back on His hands.  "I know," He said gently.

"What can I do?  How do I talk to the cousins?"

"Well," He replied, "show them your love and care.  Pray for them when they are sick."

"That's doable but I'll still need courage in the spur of the moment."  She said but then remembered what she'd written about another day about overcoming ones' fears with His help."

Jesus came and sat right beside her on her rock then, lending her His reassuring presence.  He sat quietly and she absorbed His peace.

                                                  ~ERC  May 2024 ~

Based on IA Session #6.

sing, Here in the PresenceHere in the Presence, along with Elevation Music.

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