Saturday, June 8, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - Mercy and Justice


God is so amazing.  He was able to demonstrate mercy and justice all in the same act of propitiation through Jesus Christ.  How was this possible?  

Take mercy with the simplified definition of "not getting what you deserve".  Each of us human beings have sinned and therefore fall short of the glory of God (see Romans 3:23).  But the wages of our sin is death and therefore the object of God's wrath.  Jesus took that wrath upon himself because He is human and God, so our Heavenly Father's wrath could be assuaged through Him.  We did not get what we deserved because Jesus took the punishment for our sins instead.

Justice - fairness, and just behavior and treatment was also demonstrated to us through the gift and offering of Jesus being our propitiation.  All of us fall short of the glory of God.  None of us could work enough good deeds to earn our salvation or to assuage God's wrath.

God did not ignore our sin, no, those of us who accept the gift of God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, through faith in Him, can have this justice.  Jesus perfectly and completely fulfilled the requirements for giving us mercy and justice all rolled into one great act of grace.

No, not one of us could ever have done such a thing no matter how many good deeds we could do, to become right with God and hopefully attain salvation and appeasement for our sins.

Praise the Lord as you partake of the broken bread and drink of the cup of wine this Lord's Day for all He has done for you.  

Thank You, Jesus!

                                                    ~ERC  May 2024~

Based on Romans 3:20-26 ESV and Gordon Cheng's Peace With God Bible Study material - Chapter 3 - What God Did in Jesus - Pathway Bible Guides.

Sing, Praise God Through Whom All Blessings Flow, along with Stacey Plays Hymns.

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