Monday, June 3, 2024

Book Review - Free Houses in Japan - By Anton Wormann - Publication Date: 6 November 2023

 This DIY challenge 'guidebook' takes quite a comprehensive, step-by-step look at scouting for, purchasing, financing, renovating and more, an akiya - a vacant &/or abandoned house in Japan.  There are apparently a plethora of these and ripe for the picking if you know how.  Anton Wormann, the author, doubles this book as a sort of journal of the 'how-to' and a memoir, with interesting tidbits of how he came about this new hobby.  I liked that Wormann was sensitive to keeping Japanese traditional and cultural design while also bringing these 'old' homes into a more modern era.  Since he is Swedish, he sprinkled some of his Scandinavian flavor into his Free Houses as well.   BTW, the houses are not truly free, rather very cheap if you know how to look for the correct deal, Wormann is quick to inform.  

The book did get somewhat technical for me in places.  However, by reading this book I believe those who would be truly interested in such renovations could be inspired and benefitted greatly should they wish to engage in their own respective, potential purchases of free houses in Japan.  A glossary of terms and of futher useful information such as website helps and of Wormann's own videos of his work, are shared at book's end. 

Overall, I quite enjoyed learning about these houses and of some of the Japanese culture.  And who knew an international model would take to modeling, or should I say remodeling, his own houses.

                                                    ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                             June 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on GoodreadsGoodreads.

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