It can be a serious matter to refuse to see a doctor when something appears to be very wrong with our health. Remember the adage,
"A stitch in time saves nine"?
It's best to be sooner rather than later when it comes to our health too.
There is an even more serious matter however, that's when we refuse to listen to and obey God. There is warning in God's Word against such refusals.
The original Israelites with their Tabernacle, walked around in the desert for 40 long years until all those people 20 years old and older had died. Why? It was because they had refused to accept God's gift of the Promised Land after He'd helped them escape from Egypt. They hadn't trusted Him to see them through when the going got tough.
God wants us to
"make every effort to live at peace with all men and to be holy" (vs 14).
If we refuse to be holy, we won't see the Lord who is 100% holy. If we get so angry at someone like if they'd damaged something that had been precious to us and that person refuses to forgive the one who wronged them, this 'victim' can become bitter and cause to hurt the other person back.
God's Word says,
"...forgive one another" (Colossians 3:13).
We need to be obedient to God as that is part of being holy and living at peace with others.
What's more, the most important thing is to NOT refuse to enter the unshakeable kingdom of God. Accept Jesus, Your sacrifice through faith in Him and become His follower today.
To refuse will cause ourselves big trouble. Do not refuse to obey God.
Father God, I'm sorry for all the times I've refused to obey You and Your Word. Give me an obediently softened heart to do Your will. Thank You for salvation and Your Holy Spirit who helps me.
In Jesus my living hope's name I ask, amen.
~ERC May 2024 ~
Based on Hebrews 12:14-17, 25 and Luke 11:2-4.
Sing, Goodness of God, along with Ce Ce Williams.
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