Tuesday, June 4, 2024

A Smile From Jesus

, You know the desires of Your childrens' hearts and You delight to give.

You gave a newborn son a couple of decades ago to the young couple.  The nurse took him and swaddled him and laid him in the hospital bassinet.  Baby Boy was on his side facing his mother.  She gazed upon him.  It appeared that his eyes were open and looking at her.  He gave her a most beautific smile.

Oh, whether that smile was from passing gas or not, how that mother's heart melted, binding in love.  All those nine months and then hours of labor - so worth it.  

So worth it!  What a gift!

The Lord's presence was in the labor and delivery room.  He stood to her left right next to her husband.  He rejoiced and was glad with them.  The joy and gift of a newborn smile - how blessed!

Lord, the sense of Your presence was here with me today too.  Again, you stood to my left and warmed my arm.  You asked,

"What do you want to know?"

"Oh, wow, Lord.  So many things but how about how many spiritual children I will have over my lifetime.  How will they all come about?" that mother, His child, asked.

"Well, you'll have to wait and see," He answered.

O, she felt disappointed but then He continued, 

"I won't tell you the number.  I don't want you to get proud."

"You need to plant seeds."

"Where Lord?" she asked.

"You have done some already," He answered.

"Really?  You mean Sunday School?  My own children"

"Yes," He said.  "And don't forget the booklet.  That 40-Day devotional you wrote.  That's for all the children of the country you live in.  You wrote it and it got translated into the three main languages of that nation."

"Oh, Lord, thank You for saying this! You make me want to cry for thankfulness.  Thank You for the encouragement, Lord."  She gratefully thanked Him.  "Is there anything else you can tell me, Lord?"

And then she perceived she stood at the edge of a giant, as far-as-the-eyes-could-see field, of a ready-to-harvest rice crop.  It was swaying in the light breeze, like a slow dance of delight. 


It was like Jesus was teasing her again, asking her to count it all, if she really wanted to know the number.   And He said,

"I said, 'Wait and see' because such crops take time to grow after they've been planted.  Someone else may water it but I will give the increase" (see 1 Corinthians 3:5-9).

"Yes, Lord.  Thank You." was her humble reply.

The promise gift of harvest was equal to her newborn's smile, only this time it was a smile from Jesus.  It had all been worth it.

                                                  ~ERC  May 2024~

Based on IA Session #4.

Sing, Bringing In the Sheaves, along with Islington Baptist Church.

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