Monday, June 10, 2024

God's Discipline (Hebrews 12)


Consequences follow whatever we do sooner or later.  Whether for good or bad deeds there is a day of justice, so to speak.  There will be discipline and punishment so we can hopefully learn our lesson.

In our own family and in the family of God, there are consequences to our actions.  If we say we belong to Him, then we are in God's family and God our Heavenly Father will deal with us out of His tender loving care and mercies.

Since He disciplines us for our good we will need to endure whatever hardship.  We need to persevere and learn whatever lesson He is teaching us.

It's not like He is a taskmaster or that all our hardship is because we have done wrong though.  Some of it is to help train us to show us the right way that pleases God, so we will go in the way we should go.

If a person wants to have a fit, buff body, he will exercise, body build and eat healthy meals.  Bit by bit the body shapes up.  In God's invisible, unshakeable kingdom, He wants us to train our behavior to become more obedient, patient and to have greater faith in Him.

Reading God's Word and obeying His will, will help strengthen our relationship with Him.  It helps us become more holy like He is.  In so doing our spiritual bodies will be more fit with righteousness, peace and healing.

Accept God's discipline, letting it train you to be more holy.  Think about it.  Do it.

Heavenly Father, I'm Your child and I know it doesn't feel good to be disciplined but do realize it's for my own good.  Thank You for what You are doing in my life even when it is difficult.

In Jesus' name I give You my thanks.

                                                    ~ERC  May 2024 ~

Based on Hebrews 12:1-12 (NIV).

Sing, In Control, along with Hillsong.

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