Thursday, June 6, 2024

Blue Cords and Tassels (Numbers 15:37-41)


"...Make tassels ... and to put a cord of blue on the tassel ... And it shall be a tassel for you to look at and remember all the commandments of the LORD, to do them, not to follow after your own heart and your own eyes, which you are inclined to whore after.  So you shall remember and do all my commandments, and be holy to your God..." (Numbers 15:38, 39 and 40).

The tassels on the Israelites' garments were to serve as reminders of all God's commandments.  They would remind them to do them in order to please and honor God, and to be holy before Him.  This was, and still is, the way to follow after God's heart.

Not only did the Israelites have the stone tablets of Ten Commandments, every seven years the whole law was to be read out in the hearing of the public assembly of the whole congregation - men, women and children.  If you had been a baby at the first public reading, you'd hear it all again at ages, 7, 14, 21 and so on.  There would be no excuse for someone to say, "Oh sorry, I didn't know" (see Deutoronmy 31:9-13).

Fathers and mothers were also supposed to teach them to their children when they got up, when they went out and home again, jiggety-jog, or for bedtime stories (see Deuteronomy 11:19).

As if all this were not enough, now the LORD instructed Moses to speak to the people of Israel about making the bluecords and tassels.  They were to be attached to the corners of their garments.  If a child or a foreigner would ask, "what are those tasssels for?"  The wearer of tassels could reply, "So I can remember God's commands and live by them.  So I can be reminded to follow God's heart and not my own way.  So I can be holy as He is holy."

We human beings are so forgetful and prone to following after our own hearts' desires.  You often hear it, "follow your heart" or "what is your heart telling you?" or "you deserve this path..."  If we are believers in Jesus Christ, we honor Him when we follow His heart, ways and will.  Not that we should sew tassels on our clothes, but do you have any specific item that helps remind you to follow the Lord and His heart?

Thankfully we have God's word so we can get to know what is in His heart in the first place.  Then we have the Holy Spirit to remind us of those ways.  These are crucial and the best reminders especially if we have hidden God's word in our hearts so we won't sin against them (see Psalm 119:11).  These are our 'tassels'.

Have you ever heard of promise rings?  They are a semi-engagement form of showing commitment to a relationship with ones' chosen male or female, more-than-just-a-friend, friend.  I never really thought of it before today, but is there something you could make or have that you could bring everywhere with you that would help remind you of your commitment to Jesus Christ and following His heart, something like a ring?

A necklace, ring, a blue cord tassle bookmark or even a small smooth stone in your pocket, could serve as a physical reminder.  That is, if we don't become immune to it, so used to seeing it or feeling it each time your hand went into your pocket.  So long as that object doesn't become a charm or object of worship or pride but only of humble, constant obedient reminder - we will be able to walk in His ways more fully, without neglect, no matter where we go or what we do.  We will be reminded to follow His heart whether alone in our room or among the congregation of believers.

Lord Jesus, You want us to remember You and Your heart so we will, out of love and gratitude to You, following YOUR heart instead of our own.  Those are tall words for us but please help us to walk the talk too.   You want this for our own good.  Thank You for the Lord's Supper or breaking of bread as some call it, You had with Your disciples before You went to the cross.  We have a weekly reminder, to do the same as often as we can.  Help us with Holy Spirit's help and God's word to follow after You and Your will and ways all the days of our lives on earth.

Thank You.  Amen.

                                                      ~ ERC  June 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 15:37-42 (ESV).

Sing, Dear Lord and Father of Mankind, along with St. Laurence's Church Chorley.

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