Sunday, February 12, 2023

Prayer - Talk to Him

 In our human hearts Lord, we often harbor anger, resentment, disappointments,  hurts and so much more of the like.  Parents, friends, or others we look up to, have let us down.  Then the one in whom we used to confide is no longer at our side, beck and call.  Our confidant is gone.

But You, oh Lord are our Friend who is always with us.   You never leave us nor forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:8).  "What a friend we have in Jesus" as the familiar hymn line says.  Your ear is always open to our cry - 24/7.

It is best to talk to You of our unhappiness as that way, we do not counter-hurt others.  If only we would remember to seekYou first.  You are always on 'standby' mode, standing by to hear, listen and speak with Your still small voice of comfort and conviction.  You do not disappoint.  Help us to endure until our life's work is ended and You call each of us Home to be with You, forever.

May we find ourselves not "just an extra limb" of not much use in the body of Christ or even in our own family, but may we be found to be good and faithful servants of Yours, fit for Your use.  May the brothers and sisters-in-Christ recognize this too.  

Lord, there are those ready and willing to serve but who are not sure in what capactiy.  Lead and guide each of us to the path and plan You have devised for us and may there be great teamwork among each member of the body of Christ in the churches and/or Christian organizations we have come to shelter in.  Let that unity of Your Holy Spirit be kept in the bond of peace.  Let us throw out all the bitterness.  Let there be forgiveness and reconciliation as the norm.

May all shelter but not in in-activity to bench warm but to pro-actively further the Kingdom of God.

In Jesus' name I give you praise and honor, Father.  Thank you for hearing my prayer..


                                                   ~ERC  February 2023~

Based on Deuteronomy 31:8 and Psalm 34:15-20 NIV.

Sing, What a Friend We Have in Jesus, along with the VagleBrothers.

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