Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Book Review - King of Kings - By MJ Porter - Publication Date: 10 February 2023


The author MJ Porter chose to stick fairly closely to actual fact with this novel of historical fiction.  Even so, there is some tweaking here and there.  At first, I found it a bit difficult to sort out all the who's who of the various kings from the various places, but thankfully Porter offers a glossary of names and terms to help keep them all straight.

There are Viking, Norsemen kings, Welsh and Scots kings and of course, the English king and so on, from all over Britian.  The time frame of these kings and their men who lived and died, being from 925 to 934.  

War and conflicts are never nice to hear or read about so I didn't much care for that part of the book's drama.  There was plenty of tension just striving for the attempt at a peace accord signing.  Would they all agree, and if so, would they keep their word?  Do read to find out.  

Those with strong hearts, and a fondness for the bickerings and strife among kings, along with an appetite for history will find this book of interest, I believe.   Although I did find some of the tale diverting, it wasn't exactly my cup of tea.

                                          ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                     January 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the Boldwood Book publishers.

Read review on Goodreads.

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