Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Prayer - Mighty God

 Father, you are the great and Mighty God, the all powerful One.  You are the one who calms angry seas and gale force winds.  You also calm the hearts and minds of Your human beings when they trust in You.

We can cast out demons that think they are strong but in the name of Jesus and by the power and authority You have invested in Jesus whilst He was earthbound, just like when He spoke the words and the evil spirits left.  At times Your people can be harassed and hassled by these evil ones but we also know, you can command them away.

I ask now in Jesus' name, for any of my family members or friends who are depressed, sad, sorrowful, bowed and bogged down with life's trials and tribulations, that You purify our friends' spirits with Your Holy Spirit.  May any connections to evil spirits and former worship practices of any idols once used and worshiped and prayed to before they came to Christ be broken, smashed and cut 100% off!  May their spirit be tied to and aligned with Your Holy Spirit as they actively strive to overcome.

Bring the oil of joy and anoint them with it.  Be their strength and song, all the day long, and so emanate You.  

I ask in Jesus' name, Amen.

                                               ~ERC  February 2023~

Based on Isaiah 9:6; Matthew 8:28-34 and Mark 5:1-17 NIV.

Sing, To Us a Child is Born, along with Seeds Family Worship.

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