Monday, February 13, 2023

Book Review - The War Pianist - By Mandy Robotham - Publication Date: 16 February 2023

 The War Pianst is the second Mandy Robotham novel I have had the priviledge to read and review and I feel extra-ordinarily pleased and excited to have been granted the assignment.  It is a thoroughly riveting book, one that made my pulse rate soar, made me hold my breath in suspense and fear for the characters in the danger zones and read far into the wee hours of night.  Definitely one of those heart-stopping action-packed works of historical fiction where the punches just keep coming and coming unabated.

Action begins simmering and percolating in London during WWII Blitz days with 'mild' acts of resistance through Morse-coded radio contact with secret messages swiftly zinging to and fro London and Amsterdam. The ante is upped significantly and moved to Holland where the resistance to Hilter and his mean men began to take a foothold.

I like that this author used a so-called, 'ordinary and mundane' woman who thinks little of herself and her own abilities and took her outside of her boxed-in self in ways that astounds her - you know the scenario where one needs to pinch oneself to see if what is happening is reality.  Such was Miss Marnie Fern  of BBC, and the main character in this thrilling tale.  Other characters with spine and some with dubiousness, are:  Gatsby; Corrie; Willem; Daisy, Lizzy, Darcy, Jan, Gus, Dirk, dear young Felix, Miss Roach, Raymond and the abominable Lother Selig, to name a few.  There is also sadness, after all, there's a war on, but also a touch of romance, humor, and good naturedness, which when all combined, creates a kaleidoscope of exceptional enjoyment.

I highly recommend this book and authoress, who certainly has earned a 5-Star rating from me!

                                         ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                     November 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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