Thursday, February 16, 2023

Prayer - Jehovah Rapha

Lord God, Jehovah Rapha, grant our sick friends and loved ones healing all throughout the devastating and painful processes towards that end.  May Your healing touch be gentle but firm,  healing them physically, spiritually and emotionally.  

May they respond in kind, successfully and optimally, so that all lesions, tumors, broken bones, skin grafts and you name it, of our fallen human race, will be healed.  May You get the praise and glory due Your name through it all.

These processes are often long and drawn out but help the sick one and their care-givers to have endurance, peace, learn greater patience, whatever betide, and come out a finer 'vessel' having stronger bonds of faith more firmly planted in You.

I ask in Jesus' name, Amen.

                                                      ~ERC  February~

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