Saturday, February 25, 2023

Lord's Day Devotion - Fear the LORD


Fear can be a protective emotion that causes a person to sense danger and to react accordingly by removing oneself from a certain place, person or situation.  Another type of fear is fear of man which Proverbs 29:25 warns about. 

"Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe" (NIV).

 One could get oneself in all sorts of danger, criminal activities, subservience and more.   However, the fear of the Lord and trusting in Him will keep a person safe and it is a quality to be praised, as seen in Proverbs 30:31.

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised" (NIV).

Those of us who purport to be followers of Jesus Christ can thank God for this gift of salvation.  Entwined therein is our reverence for the Lord.  In turn, with gratitude and thanksgiving we serve Him with our obedience to His word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

At times we may still become burdened, even yoked to the fear of man or woman and become entangled in the deceit and lure of earning a greater salary, a promotion or even fame or simple recognition at the cost of compromise.

Jesus did not kowtow to the 'safety' of the religious leaders of His day.  He did not fear them although I believe He didn't disrepect them because of their position.  He did confront their duplicity.  Many of them likely feared losing their positions that were always on the sinking groud of a Roman rulers mood and grace in allowing those particula Sanhedrin memebers their 'posts'.  They didn't want to rock their boats by disruption status quo.

The fear of God and obedience to Him was always Jesus' modus operandi.  He accomplished the mission He was sent by God to complete - earn salvation for all mankind.

Praise the Lord all you people.  Come before Him with praise, worship, adoration and yes, fear of the Lord.  Let there be great thanksgiving for all He has done for us.

Partake of the broken bread and drink from the cup of wine, symbols of Jesus' death and resurrection actions for buying the pardon for our sins this Lord's Day.  One after another, brothers and sisters-in-Christ, eat and drink in remembrnace.  We now have the privilege to come before Him in confidence and trust.  There is safety in Him -  fear the Lord and live only for Him for He is our true Protector.

May our fear of the Lord cause us to run to Him and away from the dangerous and unhealthy fear of man.  Fear the Lord and trust in Him.  may it be our constant motivation to please Him.

                                                    ~ERC  February 2023~

Based on Proverbs 29:25 and 31:30 NIV.

Sing, Unto You O Lord, Do I Lift Up My Soul, along with Maranatha Singers.


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