Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Good Book - The Edge of Belonging - Amanda Cox - Reviewed by: ERChin

 Adopted women may well relate to this story best.  They know there's always that vague, elusive 'something' that just feels off.  The same was with Ivy Rose, one of the main characters of this story.

Some of the stories she was told about her adoption just didn't add up.  However, the family she did have were as loving as could be with extra special attachment with "Uncle" Harvey James, an enigma in and of himself, but as kind-hearted as could be.   

Did Grandmother actually know more than she let on or have a secret life of her own?   Since her grandmother's death, Ivy uncovered some amazing things about her and how so overridingly caring she was especially for those who were dealt with unjustly.  By the grace and love of God, coupled with those who loved her surrounding her, Ivy fits the pieces together bit by shocking bit.    All these with the caring help of Reese.  Finally, she found a place to rest and belong, without that nagging feeling.

Altogether, this has been a wonderfully pleasing and cheering story.  Adding in the faith in the Lord aspect, what's not to love about it?  

                                                       ~ERC  August 2022~

Monday, August 29, 2022

He Is With You

 The question to reflect upon in the midst of the darkest of the dark wrestling struggles with temptations and addictions we may have is:  "What difference would it make for you to believe that God, our Heavenly Father, is with us even in that darkness?"  Can you, can we, wrap our minds around that thought? He has said, 

"I will never leave you nor forsake you..." (Hebrews 13:5 NIV).

He is with us wherever we go whether on the mountain tops or in the valley, deep and dark, below.  In our shame and self-disgust, believe this truth - our God is with us (Genesis 28:15).

Satan may smirk and feed us the lie that we've gone too far this time, God will never want anything to do with us ever again.  This is simply NOT true!

This, even if we had been molested and/or raped as a child or become a prostitute through human trafficing or otherwise, and suffered nightmarish things at the hands of evil men.  Or, had been steeped in pornography and those images had been tattooed upon our minds, there is hope.

If we have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior then we can never, ever be separated from God from that moment onwards.  No one can separate us from God's love.  Look at what was written in Romans 8:38-39 NIV,

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons...will separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Not even demons (and/or Satan) can tear us away from God's love.  Certainly, our relationship with the Lord will be affected until there is genuine repentance and confession as we will still feel the shame of our wrong deeds stemming from our own evil desires or the evil desires and actions of others, and rightly so.  However, 1 John 1:9 reverbrates, 

"If we confess, He'll forgive and purify from all unrigheousness" (NIV).

Did you get that?  "Purified from ALL unrighteousness" [emphasis mine].  God makes slates, not just clean, but He also scrubs out any tiny residual stain of our guilt and shame. 

On the other hand, God's grace is costly grace so He does not wish us to be cycling up and down like yo-yo's saying, "Ah, I can do this sin, nevermind, the Lord will forgive me - again."  To me, this smacks of insincerity.  Yes, we do stumble and fall, even with the same sin but if we intentionally do wrong because we say flippantly, "Oh, God will forgive me" - well, would you trust a son or daughter who purposely (in your opinion and deduction) and perpetually committed the same infraction time and again?

God our Heavenly Father wants a better life for us than the...

 "...fleeting pleasures of sin for a season" (Hebrews 11:25).  

He wants us to have abundant life in Him.  We love Him because He first loved us (1 John 4:19).  Know that He is with each of us in our darkness even of repeated sin.  However, He wants to bring us up out of the deep pits of miry clay we often get ourselves mired in but can't get ourselves out of....unless, unless, of course, we completely trust Him to help us.  

Put your hand in His because He is right there beside you, with you, even in those flames that are blazing around you (Isaiah 43:1-2).  Cut out the self-pity and let's wrap our minds around these facts.

Just say the word - ask - from a humble, repentant heart.  He doesn't force us but is ready and waiting to aid when we cry out to Him.  He will bring you back to seek His light today.

Thanks be to God!  He gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

                                             ~ERC  July 2022~

Based on the Heart of Man - YouVersion Devotion

Sing, No Condemnation, along with Anthony Evans.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Lord's Day Devotion - Joy In Our God


"We joy in our God,

and we sing of that love

So soveregn and free

Which did His heart move..."

So go the lines of this hymn of old by W. Yerbury who died in 1863.

We all want love, don't we?  This is the pure  love of God I speak of though.  David of the Old Testament dearly appreciated it and often remarked about God's "unfailing love".  This is love we do not and did not have to ever earn.  As the rest of that hymn stanza continues, it was that love that led God to compassion when we were so lost that we could not help ourselves.

"When lost our condition, all ruined, undone,

He saw with compassion and spared not his Son."

These are very moving words and it is on Lord's Day we particularly love to remember what He has done for us.  Especially those of us with children, we know how absolutely heart-wrenching it is to give up a child (Ever have one die? or go rebelliously out into the world? Ever have one die for the sake of another?).

These are stark questions and scenarios that have indeed happened to earthly people; the latter of which would not be so common.  All told, all are agonizing.  Do you start to see the measure of God's love and compassion?

God's love and compassion gave up His ONE and ONLY Son for you.  For me.  For us, the "whosoever will" (John 3:16).

Think of it!

Be grateful.  Be thankful.

Let us remember this sacrifice of God's and His Son Jesus.  This Lord's Day partake of the broken bread and of the cup of wine in humility, and filled with gratitude of heart.  Let us joy in Him, our everlasting, loving and compassionate God and Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ our Savior.

Father God, in our sin and shame, you bought us and gave us redemption through the blood of Your One and Only Son Jesus.  In our terrible condition of sin and wickedness, You came because You loved us.  We now love You because You first loved us and gave compassionately and freely in its truest and sincerest sense of meaning.  For this we are eternally grateful.  Help us now to show this by oft remembering what Jesus has done for us and in service to you.  In Jesus name I praise and pray.

                                                          ~ERC  August 2022~

Based on Little Flock Hymnbook #135.

Friday, August 26, 2022

Put Your Hand in the Master's

 A believer in Jesus Christ needs to be fully dependant upon God - always.  Additionally, when we are truly repentant about our sins that so easily beset us (Hebrews 12:1), completely trust our great Almighty God to help us erase any and all shame and self-disgust for whatever sin we have conceived and given birth to (James 1:15) and that has led to spiritual, emotional or more type of death in our lives.  

He is the Almighty God who created the universe!  His power saved us.  His dynamic power through His indwelling Holy Spirit redeems us and can break the chains of temptation and sin.  Complete dependance upon God can also help us to not fall into the temptation.  Believe God's wonderful love, grace and mercy for you.  Recall 1 John 1:9 (NIV),

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

Put your hand in the hand of the Master.  Trust Him.  It's by His divine power He will help all of us to carry our burdens.  We may have to struggle daily against temptations and/or suffer consequences of our sin, but in Christ we can overcome.  On the other hand, there have been times when believers have had their temptations cut off immediately and all encompassingly!  We can pray without ceasing for the release and relinquishing of those unwholesome things that tempt and lure us.  We praise the Lord for all the ways in which He chooses to work in and through us for His glory and honor.  Then lay aside every weight, and as Jesus once said, 

"Go, now and leave your life of sin" (John 8:11 NIV).

In His time, He will make all things beautiful.   For now, continue to put your hand in the Master's.

                                                     ~ ERC  July 2022 ~

Based on The Heart of Man devotional and its question "What might occur if you believed God wanted to help you carry this burden, and taht it could be this all encompassing and immediate?"

Sing, Father Along, along with Brad Paisley.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Clean Finish


Behind the curtains of our lives we often wrestle with temptations that we are ashamed of and don't want anyone to know about.  Yet because we do belong to Jesus it really is making us miserable and eventually we want to take that wrestling singlet off and tell someone we trust enough, all about it.  We really want to and do need, a clean finish.

That is part of the fight:  realising and admitting; repentance and confession.  The heart of man is so deceitful and subtle though.  However, we do not want this wrestling match to, in any way, look scripted.  So we tell the Lord and a friend all about it in the open honesty of a humbled, repentant heart.

Maybe its sexual lust, food lust, love of money or drugs or whatever.  Know that it is not God tempting us, nor others but that from our own desires (James 1:13) and that we wrestle against the principalities and powers of the air (Ephesians 6:12).  Satan wants us to fail.  When we belong to Christ, we do have the Holy Spirit indwelling who can and will empower us to go the way we should and to follow God's ways - to please Him and not ourselves.  

Dear brother or sister-in-Christ, really do reach out to a trusted person.  Pray - if you are truly sincere, for the Lord to guide you to this particular person.  We can understand you would not wish for secret sins to be noised about.  Ask for wisdom for with whom to speak, and get help to overcome.  May you find your way out of the wrestling ring to the victory we each can have in Christ.  Let's have the curtains open and realize that clean finish of healthy Christian living.

Father God, You are well aware of our human propensity to sin.  Thank -You  that in Christ Jesus, we can overcome through Your Holy Spirit's aid.  Help us each to stop all wrestling matches to find our way back to you, in sincerity and truth.  I ask in Jesus Name. Amen.

                                                     ~ERC  July 2022~

Based on devotional - The Heart of Man, question "Is there anyone you trust enough to tell what you are wrestling with right now?"

Sunday, August 21, 2022

The Perfect Father

 Human fathers are imperfect beings, just like the rest of us -  even the truly caring and kind kind.  As young children we may believe that our father is all powerful and that nothing is too hard for him.  Yet, because he is human there will be those querks of imperfection.  In turn, our disappointment and disillusionment with him will often fester.

This is not to run fathers down!  But, we all must realize this, so that we can see our heavenly Father more clearly by constrast.  He is the only Perfect Father; the only infallable Father!  He will never leave nor forsake us.  He is truly always loving and does His utmost in care, kindness, mercy and grace for our good.

Yes, there are some fathers who do throw punches, verbally, physically, sexually and emotionally, tearing their children (and wives) down, to shreds.  This is not God's intention in any way shape or form!  Our Heavenly Father does NOT do this!

For me, to see Jesus at work as we read about Him in the four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), helps me to know God, my Heavenly Father better.  He really and truly cares and loves unconditionally - even women and children.  Read these gospels.  We each have our favorite but Mark and Luke and especially Luke, were the books that especially helped me to gain greater knowledge and understanding of Jesus and then in turn, God the Father.

Due to our respective relationship with our earthly father there can be that struggle to see our Heavenly Father in a good light.  It will be helpful to stop, even at this moment, to ponder on what exactly it is in our relationship with him that keeps us reticent with and from believing in our Heavenly Father.

List those struggle points down.  Search the Scriptures then, even if it takes days, weeeks, months and even years, for God the Father's way in those areas.  Seek and you shall find.  Call upon Him too as His ears are always open to our sincere cry.   Ask, Him to reveal Himself to you.  He will.

Do you struggle with accepting yourself for who you are?  There's that saying,

"God loves each of us as if there is only one of you."

The Bible tells us to,

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest..." (Matthew 11:28-30 NIV).

Jesus was the One to have said that!  He promised that!  He is gentle and humble and He'll give you rest.  That is holistic rest - body, soul, spirit.  Put your mind to rest.  This is Jesus - Immanuel - God with us!

He even died for us by sacrificial death to give us salvation, forgiveness of sins, and eternal life.  He is all for us - the Perfect Holy One who leads us to the Perfect, Holy Father - our heavenly Father, God.

We can believe Him.  We can build healthy relationship with Him.  He's got our backs.  What a wonderful Perfect Father we have!  This is truth!  Shout to Him with voice of trust and triumph!  Because He lives, we can face tomorrow.

                                                       ~ERC  July 2022 ~

Based on a devotional called, The Heart of Man:  Overcoming Shame, and answering the question "What do you struggle to believe is true about God the Father because of your earthly father?"

Do take time to answer this question for yourself.  It helps.  

Sing, Because He Lives, along with Guy Penrod and the Gaither Vocal Band.

Lord's Day Devotion - Smash & Unity

 The dismantling of the Berlin Wall (Nov 1989) was cause for great celebration for many people.  Those who had been separated for nigh on to 30 years, could now reunite.  I still remember, that on an anniversary not many years later of that wall being smashed to pieces, an uncle gathered us to celebrate, together with a couple of those 'long lost relatives' who'd been freed and had come to visit.  It was as euphoric as it was historic.  Who would have thought this could happen?!

Another cataclysmic thing would be the American Republicans and Democrats suddenly joining hands for the good of the people, especially in this day and age where they have become increasingly more hostile towards one another.  Wouldn't that be something?!  Or, even if the Ukraine and Russia or Hamas and Israel startle us with a ceasefire and peace treaty, and actually honor it, and then, hand-in-hand, decide to do good for their citizens and the world.

We can dream on.  Pray on, too, on that front.

This is the kind of earth shattering phenomenon that actually happened between Jew and Gentile believers in Jesus Christ, as we read about in the book of Acts.  Some from each background came to Christ.  They were all filled with the Holy Spirit.  God Himself tore down those dividing walls of bickering and open hostility with His own bare hands - so to speak (those hands of Jesus that had been nail-pierced).

By God's immeasurable grace,

"...the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in promise in Christ" (Ephesians 3:6).

A mystery, indeed!  God's eternal purposes, "accomplished in Christ Jesus".  A Jewish man, for the good and benefit of all peoples of the world, bridging the gap and smashing the divide all in one fell swoop.  He's brought peace and unity.  Let us not destroy this.

See this mighty accomplishment by our Almighty God from these perspectives as you read this verse...

"Now to Him Who is able to do immeasurably more than  all we can ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations for ever and ever!  Amen (Ephesians 3:20-21).

Doesn't this thrill your heart and soul?!

When there are arguments and divides, think of what Christ has accomplished --

"Keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:3).

Recently I spent a weekend among a group of Murut - one of Sabah's tribal groups.  The Muruts were among the last such groups to stop their head hunting practices. Among the visiting group I went with, were others from other Sabah tribal groups, and ethnic backgrounds!  This is God's Kingdom - God's work of uniting!  Only in Him, could such a feat have transpired.

Let us praise the Lord in euphoric celebration for such triumph through Jesus Christ.  May our response be, not just thankfulness and gratitude but of maintaining this precious-to-God unity of Spirit that Jesus suffered and sacrificed for.

Father God, this unity is truly beyond what we could ask or imagine but we humbly thank-You from the bottom of our hearts, souls and spirits.  May we give you the glory and honor You deserve even while we remain here on earth until You send Jesus to bring us up to be with you forever and ever.  Our spirits are willing but our flesh is weak in maintaing the unity of Spirit, you have given us but we are thankful for Your Holy Spirit who helps us.  

Jesus instituted a great way to help us though and we give You thanks for this too.  We remember Jesus in His death and resurrection this Lord's Day and every other possible Lord's Day, to thank-You for bringing us back to You from Whom we were separated due to our wall of sin.  He smashed this wall and brought Your people together.  And so, we pass and partake of the broken bread and drink of the wine in remembrance, to help us remember Your amazing grace and power which is at work in us.  May your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.  In Jesus' Name we praise, remember and keep unity of Spirit.

                                                       ~ ERC  July 2022 ~

Based on Ephesians 3:20-21 NIV

Sing,  We Are One in the Bond of Love along with Master Chorus Book and Spirit Touch Your Church, along with Kingdom Expression.

Book Review - The Willow Pattern Story - By Allan Drummond - Publication Date: 22 August 2022


Beautiful, breath-taking blue and white china patterns always attract me, so when  I saw this book's illustrated cover in such hues and design, I immediately 'fell in love' and wanted to read the story!  Fascinating.  I'd never stopped to wonder about the story that went into the exotic composition of the art work.  Reading this book has given me a  peek at one version.  It's really gotten my imagination thrumming.

Children and adults alike, will no doubt be intriqued with Koong Shee and Chang's story as told by Allan Drumond.  Lovers, who eventually run away and  get married but whose whereabouts are eventually discovered and brought back  home for punishment.  The end of their days turn into an interesting release.

The two kissing birds featured in this Willow Pattern have significance in this 32-page tale, which is well illustrated  in, you guessed it, mostly, blue and white.  See if you can figure out the meanings as you read.

One issue for caution is that the pair steal jewllery, run away and elope.  However, smart children will realize the wrong of it.  Other than that I found this story of interest and next time  I see a Willow Pattern on a plate, teacup or saucer, I'll be sure to take a closer look and that with greater  appreciation of this prized pattern  piece.

                                     ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                     May 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and the NorthsSouth Books Inc publisher. 

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Story - Chapter 2 - Returning


The baby's surprized, innocent face appeared in her dreams.  Again.  It had looked straight at her, again, with round, unblinking eyes - neither smiling, nor crying but holding her gaze.  A bit weird and unsettling.  What could 'it' be conveying, what thoughts?  What message?

Did a baby even think?  Was it even asking for help in some subconscience, subliminal manner?   Why was 'it' even so non-descript?  She couldn't decide if the baby was male or female.  No color coding noted.  It had stared at her, body wobbly in its, was it, mother's arms; she couldn't quite tell?  

Then the 'vision' faded and ebbed away but now that 'baby' began to haunt her waking hours.  

Hmmm.  Was it symbolic - a new thing being birthed in her life?  She hoped not, at least not like this somewhat 'dark' dream depiction.  The vibes really didn't feel good at all.  Was she going to adopt a literal baby?  That may not be so bad though.  She once thought she wanted to.  Or, was she being told to have the innocence of a young child - a simplicity of life?  But her life was already minimalistic although good and fulfilling enough, that window of opportunity she'd hoped for so long ago in that dark basement place of refuge.  What was the Lord trying to tell her?!

She didn't know.  Couldn't fathom.  In fact, she didn't know much about herself these days.  Sometimes, hazy figures popped up.  Medical problem?  Stress?  Spiritual attack?  It wasn't drugs, or other substance abuse, that's for sure.

"What, Lord, are you saying to me?"  she prayed.  "You need me to help rescue someone?"

Her own rescue 10 years ago had been effectual.  Her abusive husband had not found her despite the nefarious PI's he'd hired to locate her.  Her rescuers had been genuine people, taking her under their wing, and allowing her to focus on an online course in office management.  She'd even been given a job in his firm under her assumed name.  Now she helped him care for his wife of many years who'd been invalided; her way of showing her gratitude, thanks, and devotion even while maintaining her office work. 

 She had come to overcome Festus' declarations that she'd come to nothing.  She learned that she did have self-worth and value.  The real problem had been squarely in her husband's court, not hers!  The new name she had chosen for herself was 'Tikvah".  Hope.  She lived in hope with God and her new nuturing friends.

Her rescuer periodically fed her information about her husband.  He was still alive and terrorizing the town folks.  He'd finally "blown a fuse" though and stroked out in one of his rage-filled, drunken rampages and was being rehabilitated.

She wondered how that was working out.  He was not a patient man.  She wondered if her dream, uhhh, she gasped...NO!  "No, Lord!  Please not that!  Please don't ask me to go back to him!  Is this what that dream has been about?  Him in his current 'baby' state?!"

Ringing her hands together in sweaty anxiety, she flopped down onto the sofa, drained of vitality, feeling very much like a limp wet rag.  The punch and stuffing had gone out of her, swiftly.  Faint.  Suddenly nauseous.  Tears of fright but also of rebellion to this idea of return steamed and streamed and glistened from her eyes leaving a wet trail down her cheeks, soaking the throw pillow she clutched to her bosom.  Sobs hiccuping and burping out of her inner core in giant, gulping heaves, cut off her ability to breathe.  Then darkness mercifully became a blanket over her consciousness.

"Quick, quick!"  Mr. Rescue shouted to his wheelchair-bound wife as he happened into the room and not knowing how long Tikvah had been out for the count, "bring your oxygen, dear!  Hold the mask over her mouth and nose, ah, that's good.   I'll grab some water incase she rallies.  Then we can decide if we need 9-1-1."

"I wonder what caused all this?"  Mrs. Rescue, asked her husband.  "She hasn't had panic attacks in years.  At least, it looks like such an attack."

"Hard to say.  She has been a bit ill at ease of late.  I hope her husband hasn't somehow gotten wind of her whereabouts and been harassing her!  Strange though if he is, cuz he's more or less incapacitated with his stroke, of late."

Mr. Rescue brought the glass of water and set it on the end table, while his wife continued applying the oxygen.  Slowly, they observed, their charge return to consciousness, fluttering her eyelids open.  Mrs. Rescue removed the oxygen, returning it to her own use. "How are you feeling, dear girl?" she asked.

"Wh-wh-what happened?" she asked in a weak voice.

"You must have had a panic attack." Mr. Rescue replied.  "Is there something troubling you?  You know you can tell us anything.  We are your adopted family, and care about you, our 'daughter' and godly woman of worth.  Just rest a bit first and we'll talk after dinner.  I'll order in some Chinese food, your favorite, and by then you will have likely recovered enough.  We're just glad you're coming to.  Here, drink some water, first, then rest some more."

"Oh, you dear souls.  Thank-you for all your good care and nuturing, yet again.  I love you both!"  She said and took a sip of water.  "What would I do without you?"

"You'd be just fine,"  Mr. Rescue declared confidently.  "Just fine!"

Later that evening, the three of them sat in the family room, each with an evening cup of camomile tea at sipping readiness.  "Tell us, Tikvah, what has disturbed you?"  Mr. Rescue asked kindly.

Tikvah sighed, where could she begin?   She'd start with the dream which was the most obvious launching point.  "Well, lately, I've been having a recurring dream.  At first I ignored it, and just chalked it up to being a silly dream.  But, like I said, it keeps recurring and disturbing my sleep.  It seems the Lord has been trying to get my attention about something 'new' or a 'change' that is coming and He is warning and preparing me.  The dream now haunts my waking hours as well, and I get a negative feel about it. "

"Oh," the Rescuers chorused. "Hmmm.  May we know the dream?"

'Yes, sure."  she answered.  "It's about a baby that doesn't really seem like a baby, that just stares at me expressionlessly.  The baby is wobbly and weak.   It's really rather unsettling."

"No doubt," agreed Mrs. Rescue. "But was that enough to cause the panic attack?"

With a wry grimace, Tikva said, "No, much worse but I feel the Lord gave me the answer to what He wants me to do."

"Which is..." prompted Mr. Rescue.

"I'm supposed to go back and nurse Festus!" she said, as tears threatened once again.

The Rescues gasped in unison.

Silence ensued as each let that directive swirl around in their minds.  

Slowly, tentatively, Mr. Rescue responded.  "My dear, dear Tikvah, let us pray on this together.  If this is truly the Lord's direction we cannot ignore it but we will surely need more of His input on this matter.  Let us pray and think and ask for wisdom from above on how to proceed.  I can understand your great resistance and hesitancy to going back there and understand this has been a shock to your system, and ours too, by-the-way.  However, if Festus needs the help and is unable to care for himself, your being his wife, would be indication that you should go back, it being a wifely duty.  I'd advise NOT rushing back though.  We do not want your imprisonment and appalling mistreatment to descend upon you again.  Like I said, Let's pray."

Bowing their heads, Mr Rescue began,

"Lord this has come as a great shock to Tikvah, and to my wife and me that Tikvah is to go back to Festus to care for him.  You know how he brutally abused her physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually, in the past.  Calm Tikvah's fears, and ours too, that no harm will come to her.  If this is truly your guidance give us peace and assurance in our hearts and minds, then help us each to accept it and give us great wisdom as to how to go about it and ease her into that environment once again.  I ask in Jesus name."

"Amen,|" came the robust rejoinders.

The three just sat then, sipping their tea and quietly chatting about other things albeit, the main topic never far from their minds.  It had been enough for tonight.

In all the kindnesses of the past decade, Mr and Mrs Rescue had never ever revealed why he had helped her in the first place.  Likely they would never tell.  Even though they had recently rescued another damsel in distress, they never revealed their methods, why's or wherefore's.  In some ways, she liked that about them, they were ever so humble and always giving to others.  She wanted to be like that too.  Maybe going back to Festus was a test of purpose; a training ground, if you will.  "Hmmm,"  she'd have to think on that.

"I wonder how many others they've helped out though," she pondered.  Well, she would help her own husband if that is indeed the wisdom from above's leading.  She shuddered and shivered though, chills of fear and aversion chasing up and down her spine like that fateful day of yore when she had finally escaped his clutches.  She was a different, more mature woman now.  Her gumption had come to the fore and helped her then.  It would help her now right there along with her faith and trust in the Lord.

"O Lord, what do you really want me to do?  Lead and direct in a definite way, show me the path to take."  she prayed.  "I also need my heart set at rest now, since the dream and this big reveal."

I'm so thankful to the Rescue's though, she thought.  I don't want to undo all they have done for me.

"Is hubby truly ready to listen to Your message of love and forgiveness?  If so, am I the one to bring this message - Your message, Father God?  If so, keep me strong and firm in You and Your love for me!  Give me heaping helpings of gumption.  I will only be able to do this mission and ministry You  have set for me, with Your unconditional and unfailing love backing me up and giving me strength!  He's never been easy or safe, to my post-nupital knowledge.  Help me now, Father.  In Jesus' name, I beseech You!"

In the days following that prayer, Tikvah had almost forgotten her dream and her prayer, if you can believe that.  It wasn't until Mr. Rescue brought the news that hubby had suffered a second, more debilitating stroke - one he'd likely not recover from but would live and linger indefinitely from.  He would need much patient care, with round-the-clock nursing care.  He could afford it but a family member really should be on site.  When he said that, he looked her gently and compassionately in her tearing eyes.

She got it.  God's timing.  It was time to 'go home'.  She would, with much trepidition, return to her husband's side.

An insider that kept Mr. Rescue informed all these years told him all the 'old' henchmen had scattered and there were only a couple of old guard left who were 'good guys'.  No new people had been, as yet, hired.  It looked like the coast was clear and relatively safe.

Actually, Tikvah, had learned that her true name was Elaine - "shining light".  The hope and shining light of Jesus would enter that home of Festus, bringing the message of Jesus' love and forgiveness before it was forever too late for him.  

In upcoming days, the informer would keep tabs on her and report to Mr. Rescue how things would go and do things she was unable to do for whatever reason. 

"Go with God and all godspeed dear lady," Mr. Rescue said.  "You know you are like a daughter to us, so do not hesitate to call, day or night or send word through Informer.  Be sure to keep me posted one way or another.  Should you wish your office job back at any time, it will be made available to you,"  he assured her.

So Elaine went home to possible new and brighter windows of opportunity.

                                                     ~ERC  August 2022~

This is a sequel to Shades Beyond the Dark Window.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

A Good Death


Many people don't like to think about death but hey, here's a novel idea - let's face it head on.  Prepare for a "good death".  You may ask, "How?" or "What do you mean by that - a good death?"

No it's NOT about suicide or planning out your funeral.  It's not really about how one is good living, although I do believe its important to live well.

It's more about, are we living right in the eyes of God?  In Mediaevel times when a person got a chance to have a death bed end, the priests would come give "the last rights" after the person had confessed their sins.  This was called "a good death" - not that I'm advocating this is the way of salvation.

Certainly, we need to seek God and forgiveness of our sins which He, not another human being, will grant when there is true repentance.  There is something more that God wants us to know though.

The Psalm 90 psalmist says that,

"...our days may come to 70 years, or 80, if our strength endures" (v10 NIV).

Days which will all pass too quickly.  Moses added a request because of these "few days".  He asked God to,

"Teach us to number our days..." (v13).

Why?  In order,

"...that we may gain a heart of wisdom" (v13).

We could say that an element of having a good death would be when a person had gained that wise heart.  Also, to see that our God is eternal (vs 1).  He doesn't die.  He is the one who made each of us, quickening us with His breath.

Part of the heart of wisdom is to repent of our sins.  God is a just God and He sent Jesus the Savior so that when we do repent and ask His forgiveness it will be given and we will escape God's all powerful, terrifying indignation and wrath.

Our sicknesses and the moanings of our human fraility is nothing compared to the punishment reserved for those with unrepentant hearts.  Not many use their hearts wisely.  Those who choose life and godliness will have these wiser hearts and live more joyfully.  When we live for the Lord's glory we learn how to live in step with the Holy Spirit.  We will have a better life, serving the Lord and building up treasure in Heaven.  This is wisdom that leads to a good death.

Some eulogy's at some people's funerals will make you gag and have you taking a second look at the body in the coffin, asking, "Am I at the right funeral?"  Other times, eulogy's are perfectly apt.  These latter departed ones had lived that God-honoring life and had had a good death.

Let us too, live a joyful, godly life as Francis Schaeffer is purported to have said,

"Do the Lord's work in the Lord's way."

Don't inflict or inject our willful desires but follow the will, desires and interests of the Lord's.

Would you want to extend or shorten your life beyond those alloted 70-80 years?  It's a known fact, of course, that people do die much younger or even significantly older.  However would you tamper  with the number of your life's days, which are already fleeting as compared to eternity, by asking for medical intervention to curtail your life sooner?

There are those people living in great pain, whether physically or emotionally, scarred from childhood and/or marital brutality; or because when one lives to a certain age, the peer group is rather slim pickings.  Sadness and loneliness for a spouse, sibling, friends long gone, can no doubt be depressing and therefore the wish to 'leave' sooner.

A believer in Jesus Christ could beseech the Lord to take him or her home asap.  However, in the end, one still needs to await His timing.  To have a good death, engage in a good life and wiser heart as much as possible.

What God does for us, we can do for Him.  If He satisfies our longing and mourning, we can sing it in praise to Him.  We can be glad all our days living for Him.  When He shows His deeds to us by establishing and helping us in our work we can tell out those mercies and grace - all the wonderful works of the Lord.

Without Him we can do nothing, so get going and plant seeds in others to do similarly.  They too can look forward to a wise heart and a good death.

Therefore, let us concentrate on having that good death.  Looking to Jesus who was our prime and perfect example of having a good death, we glean perspective.  Yes, Jesus died due to persecution.  A horrendous death but a good death.  There was purpose - our salvation.

I'm not saying to purposely put yourself in a position to be persecuted!  NO!  Christians need to learn from Jesus by having no regrets about how we lived our lives, how we were good stewards of our number of days, and of having done good service for the Lord.  Let's each let our lives be one continual witness for Him and then die with a heart of wisdom and a good death, in His good time.

Of course, Jesus may call us all home to Him upon the clouds of rapture.  Either way, let it be wise and good.

                                                       ~ERC  June 2022~

Based on Psalm 90 NIV.

Based on Lesson 11 - Praying Our Death, from Psalms, Prayers of the Heart Bible Study by Eugene H. Peterson.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Morality - Social Issues Facing the Church - IMMODESTY


You know, when I first saw this topic of  IMMODESTY included in the list of social issues facing the church it didn't quite ring true that it was a problem.  However, once I began thinking about it and as it was presented in a study guide, the inclusion did make sense.

Even before delving into the Scriptues and the questions Rob Harbison asks in his Bible Study Guide entitled 'Moral Issues Facing the Church', I thought of some examples right off the top of my head.  In a hot climate or in the summer season, most of us like to wear clothing that allows wisps of breeze to cool our flesh as much as possible:  shorts and T-shirts or sundesses - less is best scenario - helping us keep cooler.

In the area where I live, some girls do wear shorts and T-shirts but the shorts are so short, one questions whether they are wearing anything at all below their T-shirt.  In summer sunbathing areas, there are both guys and girls who supposedly are wearing something but whatever infinitesimal scrap of swimswear they have donned, well, it doesn't leave much to the imagination as to what the little that is not exposed, looks like.

On the other hand, I've seen many fully dressed, having a wonderful time in the sea, playing on the beach or walking along the seashore.  By "fully dressed" I mean, long sweat pants, a long-sleeved blouse, dress or shirt and skirt, head covered, in the heat of tropical sun.  

This is from one extreme to the other.

As always, such issues as immodesty can be all relative to the culture and society in which one resides.  As such, as the pendulum swings one way or the other, can we still seek a more logical, reasonable standard of modesty?  What can it be based upon?  Let's find out.

To some degree, immodesty is a relative concern.  It often depends upon a religious society, or lack thereof.  Generally speaking, there is an acceptance/tolerance level of a populace's general consensus but individuals also have their own personal definitions.  This definitely makes it harder to pin down and judge what the actual standard of modesty should be.

For example, I know that going to government offices requires 'more coverage' and so whenever I need to visit such places in the area I live, I wear a very long skirt and a T-shirt with sleeves but not necessarily long sleeves, which is still acceptable.  One day, I had the long skirt but had totally forgotten about the T-shirt, and wore a sleeveless one.  My mind was on the documents needed, not so much on the dress code.  Anyway, my turn came and I was told to go and put on one of the spare jackets hanging up behind me.  Oh no!  Furthermore, I was told, by the woman employee, who was about my same age, which is not really 'a young thing' anymore, that I was "too sexy"!   

If it had not been quite so serious a matter in hand with very possible offense, angerment and public banishment and humiliation, and I really did want to accomplish the necessary work, I would have laughed uproariously!  Never in a million years had I thought anyone could have said such about me!   Nevertheless, I did manage to control my facial features - somewhat.  I was just glad it was during COVID time and I was wearing a mask.

For a follower of Jesus Christ, society's view of modesty is not always a good rule of thumb to which to adhere.  Romans 12:2 tells us,

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasant and perfect will".

When, as Christians, we commit to doing God's will, we will investigate His Word and listen to the Holy Spirit's guidance in any matter, including the level of modesty we will personally maintain.

It is not always the easier path in navigating through a peer group's standard.  If a person is willing to have their life led according to these verses from Matthew 7:13-14, they will give comfort and guidance for his or her own code of conduct.

"Enter through the narrow gate.  For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

May I encourage each and everyone of us who profess Christ to be among those "few".  God bless your coming in and going out when you are.

When a believer wishes to please the Lord, then they will make their view of modesty to stick closely to God's way, and not be guided by society's view, nor will he or she allow its fluctuations to determine and change theirs.  May the steadfast love of the Lord be the motivating force to keep us all unwavering in doing what pleases Him even in this aspect.

I believe that it is possible for a Christian's manner of dress to set him or her apart from the world.  Modest dress will be obvious in an immodest standard setting.  However, it could make a person a vulnerable target for ridicule.  This would be a price to pay for Christ; the cost of living for Him.  We need to ask ourselves, will I pay it?  I fervently pray so; after all, the narrow path will lead to life even if it doesn't seem like it in this day and age.

The type of clothing a person wears can reflect their morals and attitudes.  A shabbily dressed individual may or may not be indication of being poor and homeless.  It may, rather, suggest an "I don't care less" attitude of laziness and/or rebelion, just to make a statement and tick people - most like the parents - off.

A well-groomed person could be presenting their general mode of dress, or they could be going to work, a function such as a wedding, out on a date, or they are just a tidy person, so reflecting their personality and preferance of dress.  This, not necessarily to conform to a status quo of society or friend group.  However, most people would tend to say this person has better character than the shabbily dressed person and so judge by stereotypical appearances.

Again, we tend to think  those who 'barely' (pun intended) clothe themselves as being lustfully seductive but it may also be a hot climate as deduced earlier, and not necessarily the 'less - is -best' outward picture of inward expression revealing itself (pun intended).

Continuing in this reflection of attitude theme, a person dresssed in dark clothing and in sloppy manner could be a depressed person.  Bright sunny, sunflowery patterns  may indicate a cheery countenance and persona.

One needs to be cautious against snap opinions and judgments however, despite indications of negative festerings in point of view.  I recall one elderly lady in a church setting, contemptuously condemning a certain group of university students from another country, who arrived at church in blue jeans and nice, presentable T-shirts.  Other brothers were adorned in 'respectable' three piece suits.  Little did "Grandma" realize - this was the best clothing these young men had!  Furthermore, it was modest apparel!  They had come to worship the Lord, to remember Jesus in His death and resurection.  Their focus was on Jesus, with gratitude of heart for what He had done for them.  Beware of making snap judgments!

We need to be guided by God's love, kindness,  mercy and grace combined with heeding the 'vibes' we think we're getting from a person's dressed appearance as reflecting certain attitudes.

There are reasons people give to justify wearing revealing clothing.  For instance, "It's too hot to wear much of anyhing".  I'd say that it is possible to wear cooler clothing according to weather conditions yet still maintain modesty that would please the Lord.

To say that, "No one notices me" may be true to a certain extent.  Nonetheless, a believer in Jesus is a child of God and should not forget that.  Besides reflecting our personal attitudes we are reflecting our loving Heavenly Father.  What is your witness proclaiming?  For God's son or daughter being salt and light in this world, will let their moderation be known to all (Philippians 4:5 KJV).

True enough, "It's not a sin to swim".  BUT ... is one's swim gear still embodying modesty that is more pleasing to the Lord and not stirring up our own flesh or that of another's?  So saying, "If someone is going to lust, they will lust no matter what I wear".  That is very likely true but still does not justify exposing more of one's body than necessary for the swim activity in which one wishes to participate.  

Some people may not realize that immodest clothing they wear is revealing to others.  The wearer can be taught and guided to better personal grooming if they are willing to be taught the "better way" in  pleasing the Lord by adorning the temple of His Holy Spirit more modestly.  Let it come from the heart captured by God's love and not of one ensnared by our own evil desires.

When preparing ones body for Spring and Summer, I never realized the lengths to which some people go to enhance their appearance for typical seasonal clothing that reveals more flesh.  Some of those preparations are:  losing weight, toning the body; skin treatments; shaving legs; hair prep; rehydrate; eating more vegetables and taking vitamin D, among others. Some of that sounds pretty healthy.  

Call me backward, but I guess we do expose more of our body in warmer weather so we would want to look our best but it doesn't warrant going overboard and dressing immodestly.

If we want  to be honest with ourselves, we can take this little test.  What is the difference between these two attitudes?  One, "Where do I draw the line" when it comes to modesty vs immodesty?  Question Two, "How does my clothing reflect my character?"  Three, "Which of these attitudes is yours?"

Is the first one pushing boundaries in one's own interests?  Is the second instance sincerely examining oneself to check one's point of view and priority that is pleasing to the Lord's will and desire?  Is it God's interest and not my own?  I'll let you cogitate and consider your own answers.

It's ironic to note that among the first things Adam and Eve did after eating the forbidden fruit and realizing they were naked, was to hide themselves and to make an attempt to cover themselves by sowing fig leaves together to use as "cover-up".  There was absolutely no on else around!!  Why so concerned to make themselves clothes (Genesis 2:25; 3:7)?!  Hilarious!  Yet, that thing called "conscience" had kicked in.  There was the guilt of their disobedience and the feeling of the shame of being uncovered.  That was the natural feeling that ensued.

Why would God then make them "proper clothes" with animal skins if Adam and Eve already had clothed themselves?  Let's deduce that Adam and Eve were still not modestly clothed according to God's standard.  Therefore, God made 

"garments of skin"
 for them.  Genesis 3:21 records, 

"and clothed them."  

This was God's standard.

The 'take home' from this seems that its possible to be naked in one sense and still have some form of clothing on.  The poor and needy may well be clothed but scantily so, even with ragged garments.  This does not insinuated that the wearers are being purposefully immodest.  NO.  They don't have better, like Adam and Eve and their fig leaves.  They tried but needed help to do better (Job 22:6; Matthew 25:34-39 and James 2:15-16).

Nakedness in the Bible seems to symbolize shame, sinfulness, wickedness and even hypocracy.  Read these verses:  Genesis 9:20-25; Isaiah 47:20-25 and Revelation 3:18.  

In Noah's case, he was so drunk he did not realize his nakedness.  Two of his sons would not even look at him when they helped to cover him up.

In Isaiah's case, it was God exposing the nakedness of Babylon's shame, sin and wickedness.  Judgment was falling upon them.

God counselled His hearers to buy white clothes to wear to cover their shameful nakedness.  Confession and repentance would be the catalysts to bring and buy white clothes. Thus, the Laodicean church's nakedness covered (Revelation 3:18).

We all dress up or down according to the occasion.  Think of Joseph in the Egyptian dungeon.  When he was called to Pharoah's presence to interpret the dreams, he shed the prison clothes for "presentable ones".  He also tidied his appearance - shaving his beard and so forth.  The message is that there is more appropriate apparel depending on the situation (Genesis 41:14).

The "youth with no sense" (vs 7) met the women who purposely came out to meet him.  If you look at Proverbs 7:7 & 10, you'll see what her clothing was like.  She was

 "dressed like a prostitute and with crafty intent".  

The message was that her clothing was designed to entice and stir up lust.  If you read the rest of that Proverb you'll see she achieved her goal and the young man's end was death.  What do we wish to achieve by what we wear?

When the king came to greet his guests at the wedding banquet, there was a man not wearing the wedding clothes that had even been provided.  There was no excuse to not having the appropriate apparel.  The message here could have implied an insult to the host and/or to stir up trouble, perhaps of a political statement or so on.  The passage in Matthew 22:11-12 NIV does not state the reason but the man's insolence earned him terrifying consequences.

There have been times when I have been offended by the apostle Paul's injunction to Timothy about him needing to teach the women to dress... 

"...modestly with decency and propriety". 

 It seemed chauvanistic.  Why doesn't he remark about the men too?!  The men should keep their eyes to themselves and not put the onus on the women.

I'll try to cool it for now and accept with some grace that the women's 'better apparel' is...

 "...good deeds appropriate for women who profess to worship God..." 

...and not fixate on accusations against the type of outward ornamentation of dress.  The message is to show godliness and good deeds and submission to God - dressed to please the Lord.  This I can handle (1 Timothy 2:9-10).

We've already briefly touched on discrimination of seeing someone at church with three-piece suits vs blue jeans & T-shirts.  James 2:1-4 also warns about prejudice and preferred treatment depending on the type of clothing worn.  I think we should also regard those immodestly dressed this way too until we can ascertain their situation and motivation.  We should never forget that the person may have come to "see Jesus" in the so-called Christians.  It could be a turning point for the person - either way.

We've been talking about modesty vs immodesty but how does one define 'modesty'?  According to Dictionary - Oxford Languages, it is...

"the quality or state of being unassuming...being relatively moderate..." 
 I'd like to add - not drawing undue attention to ones self by the amount of dress or undress when we present ourselves to the public eye, even if in the privacy of one's own home when company comes calling.

The word 'lasciviousness' pops up in Galations  5:19-21 and other Scriptural references.  The meaning is that a person is...

 "filled with or showing sexual desire" (Merriam-Webster). 
 Consequences will be that such a person...

 "will not inherit the kingdom of God". 

May none of us lose the ability to blush or feel ashamed of our unwholesome actions.  We, followers of Jesus Christ, do not want to be "brought down" nor "fall among the fallen" (Jeriamiah 6:5; 8:12).  Let us each maintain decorum and moderation in our dress and actions.

We cannot say, "OH, never mind, it would only be myself who could get hurt!"  Oh, NO!  There is that stickler verse about causing others, especially "little ones" to stumble.  If what we allow in our lives causes another brother or sister-in-Christ to fail, I do hope we would be ashamed of ourselves and repent of such actions.

Yes, I do agree each person should be responsible for their own actions but beware if we are the one to push another over the edge!  All parties need to intentionally monitor their own desires, emotions and actions.  It is a two-way street.

I forever love Job's vow.  He made a covenant with his eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman (Job 31:1).  On the flip side, we each could make a similar vow never to cause someone to fall into lustful behavior due to how we dress.  It works both ways.

We could debate, until we're blue in the face, about whether Bathsheba was completely innocent  in David's seduction of her (2 Samuel 11:1-5).  We do not know the complete details.  It was the time of year for the warriors to be off at war.  Was not David - king or not - a warrior?  Should he not have been off joining his men?  - debatable, I know.

It was night time - time to sleep.  Bathsheba may have thought all good men were off fighting and since it's night she'd be 'safe' from peeping Toms or Davids' prying eyes.  When the king summoned her, could she not have refused?  She was a married woman.  On the other hand, did she fear for her life and the life of her husband if she did refuse?  There was a law that she could scream if she was being raped - did she employ that?  Was she, again, too fearful to do so seeing as this was the king?  There are so many "what-if''s" in this story to be conclusive.  

Women, just beware when you think you are 'safe',  err on the side of modesty.  Men, be fighting the enemy and keep your eyes from roaming in places they should not.  Note, 'woman' is not the enemy.

To some extent there is a difference between a man and a woman dressing modestly.  A woman may need to protect herself more.  However, in this day and age of open homosexuality, a man cannot be too modest either if he does not want to invite undue attention.

I like this quotation that Rob Harbison used in this Bible study lesson.  He said that someone said,

"A swimsuit is like a barbed wire fence.  It doesn't hide anything, it just covers the territory."

Do you agree?

I have to.  We can go back to our grandparents or great-grandparents' day.  They appeared almost fully clothed even in their swimwear.  I kid you not.  My grandfather showed me pictures of it back in his day.  I suppose to them it was 'racy'.  It made me, laugh.  This is the point of society's standards all being relative to the current standard of the times.

We, however, do not have to "keep with the times"!

Rather, we can cover up more 'territory' to keep the lustful wolves at bay.  So saying, I don't say, "Don't go swimming because swimsuits these days are so revealing."  No.  There are some very stylish and fashionable swim wear Tankini and Burkini's available if one truly does not wish to make a public display of immodesty when they swim or do other outdoor activities.  Again, it the spirit and state of the heart in God's eyes, nor ours, in how we deport ourselves with God-honoring dignity.

There's another saying that we keep our house or car doors locked in order to "keep honest people honest".  When we dress more modestly we keep less lustful people, less lustful.

In the area I currently live, younger and older people go more or less fully clothed, into the sea and still frolic happily.

One must keep 'modesty' as the key word.

Even if we think we have ugly legs and figures no one will ever look at, lust is not the only consideration or criteria to judging what we wear for any occasion.  We need to keep in mind that followers of Jesus Christ will dress to please and honor the King - that they will have their "wedding clothes" on; appropriate attire for a son or daughter of the King.

Think of God's reputation and the name of Jesus.

We know all this but there are times when we still may want to dress 'immodestly'.  We each have willful human nature and such attitudes show we are not walking in step with the Spirit but according to our own flesh.  I do get it (Romans 13:14; Galatians 5:24 NIV).

It's tough to..

"...crucify the sinful nature with its passions and desires".  

Even so, when we walk in step with the Spirit and are attuned to Him and His convictions and direction in our lives, we will be able to relinquish, in ever increasing measure, our hold on our own interests and passions.  We will dress more modestly and present ourselves to our Lord and Savior King Jesus in a pleasing manner that will also be appropriate among the general public, even if they do call you a prude.

However, it's God's, not the general public's, opinion we need to seek.  Let us each bow before Him in humility and seek His will about what we wear.  Let our modesty be witness for His glory and honor. 

 Whether or not they admit it, today's society needs us to be that bulwark.

                                                    ~ ERC  June 2022 ~

Based on Moral  Issues Facing ghe Church Study Guide, Lesson 7, by Rob Harbison.

Sing, Onward Christian Soldiers, along with Sanctuary Choir.

Bible references referred to:  Romans 12:2; Matthew 7:13-14; Genesis 2:25; 3:7; Genesis 3:8, 10-11; Genesis 3:21; Job 22:6; Matthew 25:34-39; James 2:15-16; Genesis 9:20-25; Isaiah 47:2-3; Revelation 3:18; Genesis 41:14; Proverbs 7:10; Matthew 22:11-12; 1 Timothy 2:9-10; James 2:14; Galatians 5:19-21; Jeremiah 6:15; 8:12; Matthew 5:28; 18:6-7; 2 Samuel 11:1-5; Romans 13:14 - These have all been referred to by Rob Harbison in his study guide.).

Book Review - Designer Pip - by Tabatha Taylor - Publication Date: 10 August 2022


Obviously, Pip is a dog.  He has a friend, a parrot named Mango.  Pip seems to find items here and there which he brings home to design and fashion into articles of clothing.  These appear to be mostly for his  own use but he does make something for Mango too.

There does not seem to be much plot for this children's book.  Not sure if one is to just take it at face value but when I scratched my head a bit I could eek out that this could be teaching reuse and recycle sort of things.  I found it strange that Pip would go to church and take a book which was obviously not a littered item; seems more like the book became a stolen item.  Additionally, I was very puzzled as to why a dog would go to a mosque.  This would generally be considered offensive to those of that faith.  This is just my perspective from what I know; therefore, a word of caution to those who would not care to have their children come across this type of scenario.

                                              ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                             March 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Book Review - Orphans of Mersea House - By Marty Wingate - Pulication Date: 9 August 2022

 This fun story has Margery roping her friend Olive into the adventure of hiring her as her lodging house, Mersea House, housekeeper.  It's quite a motley crew who find themselves living together.  They become a rather cohesive lot, however; even the 11 year old orphan, Juniper "tree", in that abode by the sea.

Juniper has suffered the  effects upon her body of having contracted polio as a younger child.  I love her amazingly cheerful, infectious attitudes.  I  believe that she had  learned well, how to embrace life despite it's setbacks.  I love that the author, Marty Wingate, included such in her story.  One hopes that others who live with such polio effects will take courage from Juniper's example and have the loving support system of carers, too.  However, will Miss Binny the town gossip and Mrs. Pagett the social worker spoil Juniper's chances for a "real family" by exposing the secret lives of some of those Mersea House lodgers?

Besides polio, the LGBT lifestyle is touched upon and in both cases, the prejudices and/or the acceptances against such are alluded to in the way the townfolks react or respond.  Thank God for the Mrs. Wilkins's of the world who come to the rescue of the protaganists in this smallish town.  Addtionally, it's good for the reader to realize the story is set in postwar UK, thus the deprivations a war causes were also factors affecting the book's characters.   What a lovely, feel good in the end, story.

                                               ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                         December 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Book Review - The Night Ship - By Jess Kidd - Publication Date: 4 August 2022


This is a dual story line work of historical fiction and thriller-ness.  Yes, a ship named Batavia sailed for Batavia in 1628 but never made it.  Aboard was Lady Maykin and her nursemaid Imke whom I came to feel affection for, as did many of the sailors, passengers and even a soldier or two.  The 1989 storyline with Gil, his Grandpa and Dutch and their antagonists, run somewhat parallel to Maykin's story.  The biggest thing that I believe links the two was that weird shadow of evil that lurked and slunk about, waiting to take and overtake any unawares.  It was more than just superstition.  I did not quite enjoy this dark part of the story but feel it must be somewhat allegorical to life and to the lives of those two time frames.  I make such a conclusion due to the events of horror that happened and left me rather queasy and not from seasickness!

                                                  ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                               April 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.