Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Clean Finish


Behind the curtains of our lives we often wrestle with temptations that we are ashamed of and don't want anyone to know about.  Yet because we do belong to Jesus it really is making us miserable and eventually we want to take that wrestling singlet off and tell someone we trust enough, all about it.  We really want to and do need, a clean finish.

That is part of the fight:  realising and admitting; repentance and confession.  The heart of man is so deceitful and subtle though.  However, we do not want this wrestling match to, in any way, look scripted.  So we tell the Lord and a friend all about it in the open honesty of a humbled, repentant heart.

Maybe its sexual lust, food lust, love of money or drugs or whatever.  Know that it is not God tempting us, nor others but that from our own desires (James 1:13) and that we wrestle against the principalities and powers of the air (Ephesians 6:12).  Satan wants us to fail.  When we belong to Christ, we do have the Holy Spirit indwelling who can and will empower us to go the way we should and to follow God's ways - to please Him and not ourselves.  

Dear brother or sister-in-Christ, really do reach out to a trusted person.  Pray - if you are truly sincere, for the Lord to guide you to this particular person.  We can understand you would not wish for secret sins to be noised about.  Ask for wisdom for with whom to speak, and get help to overcome.  May you find your way out of the wrestling ring to the victory we each can have in Christ.  Let's have the curtains open and realize that clean finish of healthy Christian living.

Father God, You are well aware of our human propensity to sin.  Thank -You  that in Christ Jesus, we can overcome through Your Holy Spirit's aid.  Help us each to stop all wrestling matches to find our way back to you, in sincerity and truth.  I ask in Jesus Name. Amen.

                                                     ~ERC  July 2022~

Based on devotional - The Heart of Man, question "Is there anyone you trust enough to tell what you are wrestling with right now?"

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