Sunday, August 21, 2022

The Perfect Father

 Human fathers are imperfect beings, just like the rest of us -  even the truly caring and kind kind.  As young children we may believe that our father is all powerful and that nothing is too hard for him.  Yet, because he is human there will be those querks of imperfection.  In turn, our disappointment and disillusionment with him will often fester.

This is not to run fathers down!  But, we all must realize this, so that we can see our heavenly Father more clearly by constrast.  He is the only Perfect Father; the only infallable Father!  He will never leave nor forsake us.  He is truly always loving and does His utmost in care, kindness, mercy and grace for our good.

Yes, there are some fathers who do throw punches, verbally, physically, sexually and emotionally, tearing their children (and wives) down, to shreds.  This is not God's intention in any way shape or form!  Our Heavenly Father does NOT do this!

For me, to see Jesus at work as we read about Him in the four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), helps me to know God, my Heavenly Father better.  He really and truly cares and loves unconditionally - even women and children.  Read these gospels.  We each have our favorite but Mark and Luke and especially Luke, were the books that especially helped me to gain greater knowledge and understanding of Jesus and then in turn, God the Father.

Due to our respective relationship with our earthly father there can be that struggle to see our Heavenly Father in a good light.  It will be helpful to stop, even at this moment, to ponder on what exactly it is in our relationship with him that keeps us reticent with and from believing in our Heavenly Father.

List those struggle points down.  Search the Scriptures then, even if it takes days, weeeks, months and even years, for God the Father's way in those areas.  Seek and you shall find.  Call upon Him too as His ears are always open to our sincere cry.   Ask, Him to reveal Himself to you.  He will.

Do you struggle with accepting yourself for who you are?  There's that saying,

"God loves each of us as if there is only one of you."

The Bible tells us to,

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest..." (Matthew 11:28-30 NIV).

Jesus was the One to have said that!  He promised that!  He is gentle and humble and He'll give you rest.  That is holistic rest - body, soul, spirit.  Put your mind to rest.  This is Jesus - Immanuel - God with us!

He even died for us by sacrificial death to give us salvation, forgiveness of sins, and eternal life.  He is all for us - the Perfect Holy One who leads us to the Perfect, Holy Father - our heavenly Father, God.

We can believe Him.  We can build healthy relationship with Him.  He's got our backs.  What a wonderful Perfect Father we have!  This is truth!  Shout to Him with voice of trust and triumph!  Because He lives, we can face tomorrow.

                                                       ~ERC  July 2022 ~

Based on a devotional called, The Heart of Man:  Overcoming Shame, and answering the question "What do you struggle to believe is true about God the Father because of your earthly father?"

Do take time to answer this question for yourself.  It helps.  

Sing, Because He Lives, along with Guy Penrod and the Gaither Vocal Band.

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