Sunday, August 21, 2022

Book Review - The Willow Pattern Story - By Allan Drummond - Publication Date: 22 August 2022


Beautiful, breath-taking blue and white china patterns always attract me, so when  I saw this book's illustrated cover in such hues and design, I immediately 'fell in love' and wanted to read the story!  Fascinating.  I'd never stopped to wonder about the story that went into the exotic composition of the art work.  Reading this book has given me a  peek at one version.  It's really gotten my imagination thrumming.

Children and adults alike, will no doubt be intriqued with Koong Shee and Chang's story as told by Allan Drumond.  Lovers, who eventually run away and  get married but whose whereabouts are eventually discovered and brought back  home for punishment.  The end of their days turn into an interesting release.

The two kissing birds featured in this Willow Pattern have significance in this 32-page tale, which is well illustrated  in, you guessed it, mostly, blue and white.  See if you can figure out the meanings as you read.

One issue for caution is that the pair steal jewllery, run away and elope.  However, smart children will realize the wrong of it.  Other than that I found this story of interest and next time  I see a Willow Pattern on a plate, teacup or saucer, I'll be sure to take a closer look and that with greater  appreciation of this prized pattern  piece.

                                     ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                     May 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and the NorthsSouth Books Inc publisher. 

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