Friday, August 26, 2022

Put Your Hand in the Master's

 A believer in Jesus Christ needs to be fully dependant upon God - always.  Additionally, when we are truly repentant about our sins that so easily beset us (Hebrews 12:1), completely trust our great Almighty God to help us erase any and all shame and self-disgust for whatever sin we have conceived and given birth to (James 1:15) and that has led to spiritual, emotional or more type of death in our lives.  

He is the Almighty God who created the universe!  His power saved us.  His dynamic power through His indwelling Holy Spirit redeems us and can break the chains of temptation and sin.  Complete dependance upon God can also help us to not fall into the temptation.  Believe God's wonderful love, grace and mercy for you.  Recall 1 John 1:9 (NIV),

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

Put your hand in the hand of the Master.  Trust Him.  It's by His divine power He will help all of us to carry our burdens.  We may have to struggle daily against temptations and/or suffer consequences of our sin, but in Christ we can overcome.  On the other hand, there have been times when believers have had their temptations cut off immediately and all encompassingly!  We can pray without ceasing for the release and relinquishing of those unwholesome things that tempt and lure us.  We praise the Lord for all the ways in which He chooses to work in and through us for His glory and honor.  Then lay aside every weight, and as Jesus once said, 

"Go, now and leave your life of sin" (John 8:11 NIV).

In His time, He will make all things beautiful.   For now, continue to put your hand in the Master's.

                                                     ~ ERC  July 2022 ~

Based on The Heart of Man devotional and its question "What might occur if you believed God wanted to help you carry this burden, and taht it could be this all encompassing and immediate?"

Sing, Father Along, along with Brad Paisley.

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