Saturday, August 27, 2022

Lord's Day Devotion - Joy In Our God


"We joy in our God,

and we sing of that love

So soveregn and free

Which did His heart move..."

So go the lines of this hymn of old by W. Yerbury who died in 1863.

We all want love, don't we?  This is the pure  love of God I speak of though.  David of the Old Testament dearly appreciated it and often remarked about God's "unfailing love".  This is love we do not and did not have to ever earn.  As the rest of that hymn stanza continues, it was that love that led God to compassion when we were so lost that we could not help ourselves.

"When lost our condition, all ruined, undone,

He saw with compassion and spared not his Son."

These are very moving words and it is on Lord's Day we particularly love to remember what He has done for us.  Especially those of us with children, we know how absolutely heart-wrenching it is to give up a child (Ever have one die? or go rebelliously out into the world? Ever have one die for the sake of another?).

These are stark questions and scenarios that have indeed happened to earthly people; the latter of which would not be so common.  All told, all are agonizing.  Do you start to see the measure of God's love and compassion?

God's love and compassion gave up His ONE and ONLY Son for you.  For me.  For us, the "whosoever will" (John 3:16).

Think of it!

Be grateful.  Be thankful.

Let us remember this sacrifice of God's and His Son Jesus.  This Lord's Day partake of the broken bread and of the cup of wine in humility, and filled with gratitude of heart.  Let us joy in Him, our everlasting, loving and compassionate God and Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ our Savior.

Father God, in our sin and shame, you bought us and gave us redemption through the blood of Your One and Only Son Jesus.  In our terrible condition of sin and wickedness, You came because You loved us.  We now love You because You first loved us and gave compassionately and freely in its truest and sincerest sense of meaning.  For this we are eternally grateful.  Help us now to show this by oft remembering what Jesus has done for us and in service to you.  In Jesus name I praise and pray.

                                                          ~ERC  August 2022~

Based on Little Flock Hymnbook #135.

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