Monday, January 24, 2022

Book Review - Magdalena's Choice - By Molly Jebber - Publication Date: 25 January 2022

 Magdelena and Toby were in love in Amish country.  However, 'class' distinction ideas overtook Magdelena's 'daed' in very un-Amish-like fashion.  He felt 'poor' Toby was not fit for his more well-to-do family.  The two love birds strove valiantly to overcome this obstacle of prejudice yet remain obedient to her parents' wishes while not being subservient to them and the boundaries the Amish faith placed upon them.  

There is sadness and humor but will there also be victory?  I do like how the pair gallantly honor God in how they give their expectations to Him and let Him decide the outcome in His good timing and way.  Over all, this has been a very pleasing story for me to read. 

Additionally, there are some yummy looking recipes for baked goods nestled at the end of the book.  These were refered to in the story, from the bakery where Magadelena worked.  I believe I'll give at least one of them a try.

                                           ~ Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger ~

                                                      December 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.