Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Doing God a Favor

 Saul of Tarsus thought he was doing God a favor as he went where he could, scouring town and country for believers in Jesus to skewer.  We are all familiar with how God arrested Saul in his tracks, though.  Humbling experience.

His encounter on the road to Damascus left him in no doubt that he was horrendously wrong, the believers in Jesus were 100% correct, and that, most importantly, the Jesus he was persecuting was indeed God's Son.

Jesus is the Son of God.  Saul was convinced, unshakably, of this fact.  From that time on his impetus was to preach it, convincingly, at every opportunity and in every synagogue he came to.  He preached it boldy in the Name of the Lord, and began to get himself in trouble with the synagogue rulers because their apple cart was being upset.

Saul, who soon became referred to as Paul, never slowed his pace; an indefatigble man. The fire and zeal for Jesus burned within him and many came to Christ.  Praise the Lord for such Holy Spirit powered influence, obedience and willingness in Paul's life, serving the Lord Jesus with fevor and the grace of God.

We know from reading Acts and even from what we glean from Paul's epistles that his zealous care never waned.  We also learn that his mission and ministry was among the Gentile God-fearers and the harvest for Christ was monumental.

As we turn toward ourselves; that is, we followers of Jesus Christ, we need to examine and ask ourselves - have we grasped "Jesus is the Christ, the One and Only Son of God, our Savior?"  Have we this 'spur' to shine our light for Him, no matter our individual mission at home or abroad?  Let us all rise up and live for Him at every turn of our lives.  May we each have that pivotal epiphany that launches us into our good deeds, actions and sharing the message of Jesus, until He comes.  We will truly then, as did Saul-Paul after his conversion, be doing God a favor. * Amen.

                                                     ~ERC  October 2021~

Based on Acts 9 NIV/Good News

*P.S.  I know that God can do everything on His own but He graciously allows us to diddle away and "help" Him.  May we each be empowered by His unfailing love to serve Him in whatever capacity He's given us to work for Him.

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