He needed some merciful TLC! What!? A tyrant persecutor? Do you really believe it? He needs TLC!!?
Tender. Loving. Care (TLC). Yes, Saul of Tarsus needed it. He needed it despite his merciless despatching of Christians. He'd been converted and God had to firmly send some nervously courageous brothers to administer that TLC.
Ananias was hesitant but with the Lord's reassurances, faced "the lion" in its den. Obedience. Meekness. Acquiescence to the Lord's direction. With Ananias' intervention, Saul received his physical sight back and the Holy Spirit filled him. He was baptized, strengthened with food, and then spent several days among the Damascus believers; the very ones he had come to toss into prison and/or kill.
Look at what the merciful TLC had achieved!
Saul, having been let down like a baby in a basket from the Damascus wall, Barnabas came along side him with a good dose of TLC. He brought Saul to the apostles cuz the other believers there were too frightened of him. They had cause alright, but Saul was a changed man; the persecutor had become the persecuted, and the reason he had left Damascus. With the apostles, Saul was then able, again with Barnabas' TLC, to gain their trust and acceptance even if some may have still been on tenterhooks about Saul's sincerity.
Most death threats on Sauls' life came to him as he boldly preached that Jesus is the Son of God, and in His Name he preached. The TLC prescription this time was to remove him to Caesarea (the town of Philip the Evangelist ) and then from thence, had a send off to Tarsus, his hometown.
We can see how the Lord used some folks to help others. This is God's way. Hospitality intervention, immersed in TLC. Brothers (and sisters) -in-Christ caring one for another. This is life.
When we have opportunity to help in such ways, pray we will be ready and willing to 'take that chance' for Jesus and the good and benefit of other followers of Jesus Christ.
Lavish on the T.L.C.
~ERC October 2021~
Based on Acts 9 NIV/GoodNews
Sing, His Mercy is More, with Keith & Kristyn Getty; Matt Papa; Matt Boswell.
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